What did they leave me with?

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The bus finally arrived at school, the children inside the bus rushed out hastily as if there was a lose tiger in the bus. If not careful someone can injure themselves but since Arthur and his friend always stayed at the back of the bus, they don't do monkey business, they always make it out unharmed. The two friends were just having a chat.

"Dude you gotta hurry up, we have AP calc this morning." said Arthur.

"Yeah you don't have to remind me, I don't know why the course I chose to study in university has a lot of hard subjects. I don't even like Mr Williams face, it makes me regret picking AP calc last year."

"Hehe, I can see some lazy students that are cheap skates..."

"Whatever, thanks a lot man for pushing me pass my limits, if not for you I would have quit studying."

"Yeah, less talk and more work, let's hurry up, you know Mr Williams doesn't like people being late for his class."

"Yeah, I know"

The two friends where now at their locker, they where locker neighbors that also counts for them being close friends. Arthur was about to take his AP calc textbook when he sees a letter in his locker. It was covered with pink glitter, so not his type. He flings the letter into the trash can, Leo notices. "Another letter from a girl right?" Leo said nonchalantly.
"Yeah, when will they stop bothering me, I don't want them!" Arthur said angrily. Arthur wasn't really into girls, just not his taste. He just wants to have a peaceful High school life, was it so much to ask for!

"Stop being picky man, I wish I got those letters. I wanna be in your shoes!" Leo said jokingly.
Arthur just gave him a dirty look, sometimes Leo can be crazy. Immediately the bell goes for the first period, the school hallways gets busy with children rushing up for their classes. The two friends survived the rush they make it in time for the class and grab sits in front close to each other. Immediately the students in the class settle down, Mr Williams is holding some printed paper in his hand, the children didn't need to be reminded that it was exam week. They immediately get their writing materials out, ready to take the exam.
"I gave you guys easy questions" says Mr Williams as he distributes the script round the class. The look on the students face contradicts the statement, the exam didn't seem like an easy one. Arthur and Leo looked at each other, they both knew what the exam would look like, they were the smart kids in class. Not much people took as much AP classes as those friends. They got a busy college ahead of them.
The students hurry up to finish their questions, sooner or later they will be forced to submit there papers. The clock ticks and tocks, till Mr Williams demanded for his papers. Without much struggling the students hand over their scripts to him. Arthur and Leo are among the first people to submit, so they make it out of the class first. They don't talk much on their way, they all knew what they just faced some minutes ago, until Leo broke up the silence.
"Hey Atty how was  the exam, Mr Williams finally did his worst..."

"Yeah but the exam was cool, I'm sure I aced the exam... "

"But you don't have to rub it in" Leo cuts in hastily.

"Yeah, whatever! You should head for your next class, AP Statistics, I hope you don't crash on this one! "

"It's not funny anymore, leave me alone, why don't you head out for your next class I heard it will be extra hard on those words of History, I hope you don't choke while munching them! "

"Hehe, it's alright, let's stop talking about our school issues, let's be quiet and face them."

"You are right! We don't have classes together anymore so that is a 'see you during lunch!' "

"That's if my system hasn't crashed by that time... "

They both laugh then part there ways. Exam week wasn't an easy week for anybody, it was work work, work, work! Well it was no different in this school, the time finally went really fast, it was lunch time, every students favourite! Arthur and Leo met at the cafeteria, they looked like people whose lives have been broken! They just crashed on their favourite spot in the cafeteria. Leo couldn't take it anymore, he grabs some chocolate and starts munching, well he can't let those exams eat him up. Arthur on the other hand is still thinking about what kind of gift was left for him.
Then he starts up a weird discussion...

"Hey, Leo if you were left with a thousand dollars what will you use it for?"
As Leo heard that huge figure he stopped eating his chocolate, he then gave Arthur a surprised look.

"Dude, I'll go on a vacation. I wish someone left me that kind of huge amount!"

"Hehe, continue wishing, you ain't a child anymore, you don't just expect a genie to pop up and grant you that wish..."

"Arthur! Stop being so hard on your words and why did you bring up that question?"

"I dunno but I got another question to ask you" Arthur said with an evil grin.

"Fine, what is it? Don't you ever smile that way it creeps me out!"

"OK! So if your parents were to leave you a surprise what will it be? "

"I don't know man, I bet they will leave me boxes of books... "
Arthur laughed out loud, but at the same time Leo is kinda right. He didn't want his parents to leave him a bunch of old books, at the thought of it tears rolled down his cheeks. His parents were no more.... It's not like they were dead but they were no longer by his side. Leo found tears on Arthur's cheeks and teased him for crying, but it wasn't funny, if only he knew the present situation he wouldn't laugh.

Arthur snapped out of his tears, he remembered me was still in school, a place not safe to cry.

"I think we should head for the library, we have two free periods before our death exams" said Arthur.

"Finally you are done with crying. Let's head to the library, at least it is safe and quiet. My head is still aching after those exams..."

Arthur finally put up a smile, he loves it when Leo complains, according to him its a sweet thing. The bell rings  for the start of the next period and the two friends are seen hurrying into the library....

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