Alice's weird friends [APOV]

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I practically didn't know where Alice was taking me to. We just kept running and running. On our way to the dungeon raid,I noticed Alice was crying. I tried to stop her to ask why she was crying but she just ignored me and continued running.
      'Sheesh! What if this girl takes me to a place where they're doing a mass massacre? She can kill me and package me to sell to those ogres that eat meat.' I thought with my face distorted.
      She noticed I was thinking something horrible. She said while sobbing, "Don't worry my friends are really nice they won't hurt you."
   'Yeah right!' I thought and rolled my eyes.
      Finally we arrived at the dungeon raid place. We all met at the place where we can pick up the quest. We met her friends waiting for her. I don't know if Alice does this on purpose but only beautiful people are attracted to her with the exception of me.
      One of Alice's friend was a girl. She was wearing an all black outfit. Her hair was raven black. Her eyes were completely lifeless and totally white. She carried a sword that was in a sheath at her back. She wasn't too tall but she was okay. She was with a grin on her face.
      The other of Alice friend was a guy. He was dressed like a medieval dude. He wore a red robe and a sandal on his feet. His hair was green and it was spiked. His face was oval and his facial features were perfect. He looked like he was chiseled and sculpted by a god. His eyes were completely black, with purple most in it. When he smiled at me, I noticed he had razor sharp teeth. On his robe their was a crooked wooden wand.
      Alice started waving at them and they all smiled.
   "Lissy, I'm so glad to see you. Your face looks sore. Have you been crying?" The girl said.
   "No I haven't" Alice lied
   "Jeez Alice! Is it that dude? I can kill him for you if you wish."
      From that statement, I knew Alice's friend was dangerous. Who murders somebody at first sight?
   "Nah Dally, he didn't do anything wrong. In fact he is my friend.-- "Shoot! Where are my manners?" She started her introduction. "D_stress this is Dahlia but I call her Dally."
   "Hey D_stress! Your name is pretty weird but I love it." Dahlia said.
      I just smiled at her. She sounded sweet but I couldn't overlook the 'murder' statement she made earlier. Alice's other friend, the guy, started talking to Alice.
   "Hey, babe! Gosh--" he said, then embraced Alice. "Lili, who is that skirt with you?" his face was trying to hide anger.
      I looked down at my legs and wondered why he called me a skirt. I was clearly wearing a trouser.
   "Oops! He is D_stress and he ain't a skirt." She looked at me. "D_stress, this is Harry. He is my soulmate, sort-of. He is a dark warlock."
      I repeated in my mind 'dark warlock'. Are this people suicidal? What will there children be? I thought.
   "D_stress watcha thinking?" Harry said flashing his razor sharp teeth.
   "Nothing" I lied "Your teeth is kinda intimidating" I said as a matter of fact.
   "Damn! Sorry. I can change it if I want."
      He mumbled something under his breath and his razor sharp teeth changed to a clean pair of heterodent dentition teeth.
   "You comfortable now?" He asked, then smiled.
   "Yes I am, thank you ."
   "I forgot to ask you, what exactly are you D_stress?"
   "My bad! I'm a silver slasher."
   "Jeez dude! That's cool. First time meeting your kind."
      I just smiled at him and nodded my head. After that Alice started speaking to everyone.
   "Now that Harry and Dally have met D_stress. I would like to tell you that he is joining us for our next dungeon raid."
   "What?!" they said in unison.
   "What grade is he? Because the dungeon raid is for grade C." Harry asked
   "Uhm-- He is kinda... Grade E."
   "Oh no! I was a grade E when I was ten years old. No wonder he is a skirt." Harry said

"Lissy what are you thinking? He could get killed in the dungeon raid." Dahlia said with concern.
   "I promise he won't be a liability to you guys. You don't have to worry."
   "Okay, if you say so." Dahlia said.
      Harry didn't say anything. He just looked at me with disgust and contempt. I wished I never came.
      We went to the dungeon raid hall to collect our quest. When we took it we got transported to a grade C dungeon raid. I prayed in my mind not to slow them down. It was already too late to back out from the raid.
      We were finally active in the dungeon raid. Alice and Dahlia were into some serious fighting with a monster that looked like a crossbreed between a huge rat and a centipede. It kept spitting acidic balls that the girls tried to avoid. Alice was constantly throwing her axes at the monster. She was always giving a hp buff potion to Dahlia, to give her a longer fighting chance. Dahlia disappeared in the middle of the fight and appeared behind the monster with two daggers. She stabbed the monster in its head and it died instantly. The girls were happy and hugged themselves.
      On the other hand I was trying to help Harry fight a horse like scorpion. It was extremely difficult for me. I tried poisoning it but it didn't work. I froze it but it quickly thawed. Then I knew my elemental abilities were weak. Harry did better than I did, he stunned the creature for sometime and turned his hands to claws and started digging into the creatures she'll. The creature shrieked in pain and entered rage mode.
      I tried using my earth abilities to trap its leg. That only heightened the creatures anger, it looked at me and tried to use it's tail to stab me. I used my sword to block the attack and my sword broke in half. The creature used it's tail to wrap around my body and flung me on the wall. It walked to where I fell and tried to use it's tail to stab me. Harry saw all that and teleported by my side and carried me away.
   "Stay away, you are too weak! Leave the fighting to me you low level prick!" Harry chided me.
      I only rolled my eyes and nodded my head. My body was aching. Blood was coming out from my mouth and my nose. My hp bar was also low. I knew if I fought any more I would pass out.
      Alice ran to me and gave me a potion to restore my hp bar and heal my injuries.
   "Fuck! I wouldn't have brought you here. Dally was right you could die."
   "Sorry! Don't worry 'bout me I'll be fine."
   "Shhh, you are my responsibility. If you die Alicia would rub it in my face." she sulked
      Harry came from behind and was tapping Alice in her shoulder to get her attention. He was covered in green slimy blood.
   "Lili, I think we need you more than ever! We 'bout to face the boss."
      She turned to look at him "Of my goblin! You look disgusting.-- Okay! I'll be with you guys in a giffy."
   "I may look disgusting now but I look better than that prick you are caring for."
   "Jeez, Harry. I'm coming."
      She just left me and followed Harry. Harry turned back and gave me a sinister grin.
      The two went without me to face the boss. I just lay there looking at other swords I could acquire but they were all greyed.
   'I'm really a low level prick!' I told myself
   #Yes you are!#
      I heard a voice in my head. It sounded like Lexi.
   'Lexi! I missed you. I'm sorry for annoying you!'
   #I won't say the same for you. And I think you have learnt your lesson for annoying me!#

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jan 08, 2022 ⏰

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