Just some Soleangelo

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(A/N So this may have a teensy tiny bit of a larry mention..don't mind demigods)

"Hey Will! "Nico exclaimed as he sat down next to him.Will was on his ipod listening to music but he quickly pulled out the earbuds as one of his favourite people sat and smiled at him. "I'm guessing you are listening to one direction,"Nico said.Will cocked his head in confusion, "How could you tell?"Nico pointed to Will's foot, "It's still tapping to the beat."Blushing,Will hugged his knees.But Nico placed a hand on his thigh, "Why are you so nervous?"he asked. "I'm not," Will stated,but internally he was thinking 'Maybe it's because you are sitting right here next to me in the open!!!!!'

Nico cracked a smile, "And you are the one who usually tells me to open up to people."Will sighed, "It's nothing really.I mean,I like this band so much,I wanted to start an instagram page for it,but I just don't have time for it."He looked at his watch, "Speaking of which,I have to go now."The light drained from his eyes.As he watched Will leave Nico made it his main goal to help Will.Will probably had guessed by now that Nico was attracted to him,so head nothing to lose if he made an extra effort for the extra special person in his life.


The next morning Will had cabin inspection duty. As he entered the Hades cabin he was utterly shocked.There were papers and print outs strewn across the room. And there were....notes?He picked up a piece of paper which had Nico's untidy handwriting sprawled across it.He could make out a few alphabets,but not much.Nico himself was slouched in a chair,his feet on the desk and a mug of coffee in his hand. 

Will looked at him in shock, "Neeks,did you even sleep at all?"he exclaimed. "No I was up all night,"he replied. "Nico,we talked about this,sleep isn't something you can just give up."Will scolded. "It is if you want to make midnight memories,"Nico grinned. "Wait,what!"Will exclaimed.He was really confused, Nico didn't know anything about 1D,yet he had just casually mentioned two albums.Then Nico showed Will his phone.

 "You remember how you said you wanted to start an instagram page but you didn't have time?Well last night I researched all I could about them and then I had to figure out how instagram works,"he rolled his eyes. "But in the end, figured it out,"he shoved the screen in Will's face, "Look you even have a bunch of followers!"Will's eyes brimmed with tears.It was such a small act but Nico had taken the time to get to know about something he loved.Unable to express his gratitude Will bent down and kissed him.His lips were soft against Nico's chapped ones,but as Nico began to reciprocate,Will held him closer.Slowly breaking away Nico whispered to him, "We are like Larry Stylinson." "Soulmates?"Will asked. "Soulmates,"Nico agreed and kissed him once more.

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