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7 1/2 years later

Diem's POV

"Do you know you're a DILF?"

Dalen looks over at me shocked"What"

"A DILF, I hope you know that when he goes to high school, he's to have a DILF as a dad"

"No, I was not aware of this"The school bell rang.

"Glad to know I could tell you"Looking back towards the school building, I suddenly get sad"He's growing up too fast. Both of them are"

"They're in second grade"

"And then we will blink and they will be graduating high school" My husband rolls his eyes just as the school doors opens

"Mommy and daddy!"

"Hey Liam" He runs into his dads legs before getting picked up

I gave birth to our son William 7 years ago. We didn't try to get pregnant but we did. Next thing we knew he was on this earth with us

"You'll never guess what happened at recess today"

"Well tell us what happened"I tickled him under his arm

"I saved Delilah" Suddenly the fun energy was gone.


"I saved from these mean guys at recess. I was being big and strong just like you daddy"I looked at Dalen. Looking past William I see Delilah standing there with her head down.

I walk over to her before kneeling in front of her"What does he mean by saved you"

"There are these boys. They pick on me. Liam is always tells them to leave me alone"She's being bullied.

"Delilah listen to me okay? Boys suck. They pick on girls because they think they are weaker than them. But that's not true not at all. "

"But they're bigger than me"

"Just cause they're bigger doesn't mean you can't take them. Let me tell you a quick story about your mom" Sudden her eyes light up. She loved hearing about her parents"There was this guy that didn't like her. He way bigger than her"

"How big"

"I'm talken Uncle Erik big"She gasped."Yeah and you know what she did? She kicked his butt. And I mean a few words were said here and there and she even punched and kicked him"

"I thought those were mean things to do?"

"We'll if someone is messing with you, you do everything you can"

"Auntie Diem, did you ever get picked on?"

"Yeah, there is was this one girl, her name is Olivia. She was really rude to me. For years she made fun of me. But on the last day of school, she was going to do something, but I stopped her. And I messed her up" Delilah started to laugh"Delilah I want you know that you are a strong girl. And that just because you're smaller than all the kids doesn't mean you can't defend yourself."I looked over my shoulder and saw my two boys laughing. I turn back to Delilah"Even if you need help from a boy sometimes"

She smiled at me. Grabbing her I picked her up"Now let's go home. I made cinnamon rolls"

"You made cinnamon rolls mommy!"

"Yes baby I did"

"Can I put on the frosty"

"No I want to"Delilah whined as I carried her to the car with Dalen walked right beside me

Watch the two kids fight I look at Dalen. The parent life never gets old.

Later that night

Delilah's POV

It's bed time. But I can't sleep. I don't know why I just can't.

From my bed I heard noises. They sound close, like they going to come in my room. Usual I would be a scardy cat, but not after what Auntie Diem told me. I am a girl who can and will defend her self.

I get out of my bed and walk to my door. I hear the door knob turn and it opens. Once it did, I ran into who ever it was and they fell to the ground"AAAAAA" I screamed as I hit them with my hands.

Someone picked me up and held them to me"What's with that reaction"

Looking at who it is, I remember the face"Mommy!" I hug her neck

"Hi baby" She hold me back

"Hey, I was the one who got tackled to the ground, where's my love" Pulling out of mommy's neck I see someone else

"Daddy!"He hugs my side while mommy hugged my other. I was between them.I pull back to look at them"I thought you guys were still out on business for two more weeks"

Both mommy and daddy looked at each other"You know for a second grader, you have a lot of knowledge"

"Yeah, where did you learn to do that?"

"Auntie Diem. She told me all about how I can defend my self. These boys are picking on me at school. Auntie Diem explained that just cause I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't defend myself"

Daddy took me from mommy's arms"You got all of that courage just cause Diem talked to you" I nodded my head

"Auntie Diem told me about you mommy, so I thought if you're strong, I can be too" They looked at each other again before daddy looked at me

"You truly are incredible" He started to kiss my cheeks and I giggled as I did"Now let's talk about these boys bulling you"

Third person POV

The family spent the night staying up and eating junk food while Delilah explained what has happened in the time the couple was gone.

Nick gave her multiple talks about how boys are bad for her and that she needs to stay away from them. "What about Liam" Mags and Nick shared a look. It's not question that Delilah and William were going to be together when they get order. "He's the only boy okay?" Delilah nodded her head

After the threat attack and Mags's heart failer, everyone was certain they wouldn't make it. But lucky for Nick, Diem was there and was able to attend to his wound. And lucky for Mags, one of the gang's men was more than willing to give up his own heart so she could live.

When they both came back, they spend every second of every day with their daughter.

Standing up, Mags gathers all of their trash and goes and throws it away. Coming back into the room, she leans against the doorway. Mags watches her husband as he tell Delilah about the time her uncle Erik and Chez got arrest over a sandwich.

Thinking back to the the first time the pair met, Mags remembers not even really wanted to go into work that day. However, she's really glad she did because if she hadn't, who knows where she would be right now

In the middle of his story, Nick looks over at his wife and smiles at her. Just like he did when they met before continuing it.

Looking at her little family, Mags realizes that she isn't Nick's Girl  anymore. No, she was one of,

Nick's girls.


That's it!!! It's done!! The book is over!!

No I'm not crying are you crazy! Why would I be crying writing the ending the best book I've ever written.

It's crazy how this book is already over. OH MY GOODNESS!

Thank you all for the support and encouragement. Hopefully you will stick around to see my other books in the future for this is the end of my small delinquent series. But until then, this is officially the ending to

Nick's Girl

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