15: D

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Here's a double update since 14 was short

Mag's POV

One week later

I am not mentally ready for today.

And I haven't even opened my eyes yet.

Slowly opening them, I look around my room just so they focus a bit before I roll over. Grabbing my phone, I take it off it's charger.


I have a long work shift today for some reason. Marty just random gave it to me. I mean I have to open.

Who comes to a corner really early in the morning anyway

I roll out of bed and grab my bath towel.  Before I go into the bathroom, I peek into Maria's room. She's sound asleep, cuddling her cat.

Oh sorry her stuffed cat

Maria had a cat when I was younger. He was a white cat that she had when she was like 20 or something. I don't know. He died. Not because of illness or old age but because he ran out into the street and then a car was coming.

He stared at it and then sat down in the rode so that he would get ran over.

Maria was heartbroken at first then got over it. A year later we went out and saw a stuffed cat that looked just like hers. She had to have it.

I close her door and head to the bathroom. Turning on the shower, I undress myself.

I said it before and I'll it again: Today is going to be a long day


"Thank you" I grab my burrito and walk back to Maria's car. It's currently 8:03 and my shift starts at 8:30.

I open the door and put my bag in before sitting down. Why did I chose to wear a long sleeve  with dark pants. My weather app said it was going to be cold but Mr, Sun said, um, not today.

I start up her car.

As I pull out of the lot I grab my burrito and take a bite. Eww, it was just egg in that bite.  I hate when that happens. I continue to eat my burrito as I drive to work.

It's really weird that I was called in to open today. I mean, yeah I close the store but I have never opened it. Marty always does that.

Lately, he has been asked a lot about me. I mean just the other day he would ask about where I was going, who I'm on the phone with and if I was wearing something new, he would ask who gave it to me.

He also seems on edge when I'm around. He goes and takes a phone call and then comes back and always has a eye on me.

I think I'm going to quit soon.

I pull into the store lot and park my car. I check the time and see it's about 8:24.

Finishing about half of my burrito, I wrap it up and put in my bag. I guess I'll finish it for lunch. I get out of the car and walk to the doors. Unlocking them, I head in and go to the counter.

Okay, let's get this party started

It was about 10 in the morning when Marty can in. I was mopping the floor after some guy drop one of those pickle bags and the juice got everywhere.

"Mags, thank you again for opening the store"

"No problem Marty"

"I'm sorry to say this, but I'm going to be asking a lot of you today, a lot needs to be done to the store"He was nervous. His hands and fingers kept fidgeting and shifting from foot to foot.

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