Start from the beginning


"Hey! Stop right there!" A Patrolman shouts, rushing towards me to attack. I take in the appearances of the three Patrolmen standing in front of me, not a single weapon on them except knives in the holsters of their pearly white waistbands.

Just as the Patrolman is about to thrust his fist at my jaw, I grab hold of his hand, throwing it away from me with all mustered strength as I kick my leg up, connecting the sole of my shoe with the middle of his chestplate. He stumbles backwards and loses balance, just as another man comes behind me grabbing both my arms behind my back. This doesn't faze me as I double over, throwing the Patrolman over my back with ease. I grab my knife from my back pocket swiftly, the blade shimmering in the morning light.

The last Patrolman, immediately rushes towards a communication system, dialing numbers rapidly into the keypad. Just before he has any time to speak, I thrust my knife to his back like a spear. The blade pierces through his armor with great velocity, only now realizing that the chestplate donned on his body is thinner than the rest I've seen.

The other two Patrolmen now stand, watching as the other struggles to rip my knife from his back. He trips over his own feet pathetically, falling out of the fast moving train car with a howl. I charge towards the other two as they are distracted with the sight in front of them.

I run up on one, jumping on him as I grab his perfectly sharpened knife from the holster. He throws a punch, his protected fist connecting with my stomach. I recoil back, refusing to let pain distract me. I lunge forward again, this time with the knife in front of me as I take hold of the Patrolman's mask, lifting it to reveal a young face. We connect eyes for a moment, then I thrust the knife into his neck, all life draining. The adrenaline fogs over the reality of what I've just done, forcing me to focus on the last man. My first kill.

With his knife now drawn, he rushes towards me with a grunt, but I cut off his perfect shot to my heart, swiftly moving to the side and jumping atop crates full of unknown contents. I use the crates as leverage to jump on the Patrolman's back, but he's quick to react, his knife slicing my lower abdomen clean open a fourth of an inch. I moan in pain, falling onto my back as I hold the wound with my hand, I peer down to see it covered in blood.

The Patrolman comes at me again as I lay on the floor of the boxcar, but I stand hastily, despite the smarting pain that comes with every movement I make. He thrusts the knife at me, but I block him, both fighting as if we had swords.

Finally, he makes a wrong move, opening his chest up for attack as I take advantage of his vulnerable stage. Within seconds I thrust the blade through his chestplate with all strength left in my arms. I watch as his lifeless body falls to the ground, his limbs moving as they slap against the ground.

I take a deep breath, gazing at the Patrolmen below me. I wipe away the beads of sweat gathered at my hairline as I walk to the edge of the boxcar, stepping outside of the train. The wind whips at my jacket as I hold onto the side of the train tightly, moving slowly to the front of the train. Two more closed boxcars roll in front of me, then the engine of the train.

"Step two, hijack the engine of the train to stop it from moving."

I stand on the edge of the boxcar, watching as the tracks below me whizz by in a flash. My heart beats even faster, my breaths coming as quickly as they leave. Taking one last breath, I jump to the next car, but my foot slips off as I immediately reach for a handle protruding from the side of the car, catching myself from sudden death.

I hoist myself up, my abdomen seizing in pain as I feel the wound stretch. I wince in agony, a small hiss escaping my gritted teeth. I continue to move, repeating every movement I made as the last train car, stopping at the edge. I look forward at the engine in front of me, two unarmed men inside manning the cockpit. I look down, noticing a platform on the engine in jumping distance, and I take the leap.

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