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◉ Tate Torres ◉

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Tate Torres

People shout and cheer all around me as they clash their glasses together in utter triumph and excitement. I turn a blind eye to them, ignoring each person that swoops by the bar and cheers on the idea of rebellion.

I lean back in my chair, my own drink placed in front of me as my arm rests on the back of the chair, facing the endless rows of alcohol bottles on the back wall of the bar. I sit alone, until the others join me a few seconds later, fresh attire donned on Gage as he takes a seat adjacent to me at the bar. The fool Malcolm takes a seat on the other side of me.

"Damn man! Look at you! Roseden's very own celebrity!" Malcolm jokingly shouts over the rap music, taking hold of my shoulders and shaking me vigorously.

"Yeah man, what the hell was that about?" Gage questions after ordering three shots of Gin from the bartender.

"Like I said, we've dealt with this kind of shit for two long. We don't even know the difference between our blood and theirs. At the end of the day, we're all just the same poison that infects this world," I sit forward in my chair, resting both elbows on the bar as I take a sip of Moonshine.

"True that, brother!" Malcolm declares, slapping me on the back and taking a large swig from his beer.

"So uh, you got any sort of plan for this said rebellion?" Gage inquires. He has always been more of the so-called analytical thinker, always thinking and planning everything he does. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he plans what to wear each day every night before bed.

"I've got some things planned," I say, totally pulling words out of my ass at this point, knowing that I can't really tell them who the mastermind behind the whole operation is.

"Yeah? Like what?"

"Using those defectors as bait, maybe using the girl as a means to get easy access to the city, something like that."

"So you're willing just to risk her life to get what you want?" Gage asks, pointing an accusing finger at my chest. He turns in his chair so his body faces me completely.

"It's not just what I want, it's what everybody wants," I gesture around the club at the wasted dopes. "And besides, why do you care so much?" I say, holding the glass to my mouth drowning one large sip. I wince as the alcohol burns down my throat, the feeling refreshing down my spine.

"Because, she's a damn child! She's only seventeen, man, she didn't ask for this!"

"Well, obviously she did if she left home and risked her baby sister's life. They probably all left because their parents got mad at them for having an 'A-' in Chemistry," I laugh, "Boo hoo," I add in between my chuckles, Malcolm beside me laughing like a fox.

"Damnit, man, when are you gonna realize that all Pures aren't born evil, huh? Just because Ramy left to their side doesn't make them evil!"

I stand from my chair abruptly, the chair falling to the ground as I lunge forward towards Gage.

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