Sting Eucliffe ~ Master

Start from the beginning


"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry." Apologized Sting over and over to Rufus.
"No it's ok. I understand." Said the memory make Mage.
Rogue had explained it was because he was territorial over Kate that he lost control, he avoided saying outright that it was because she was his mate but everyone had guessed it except for Kate who was busy letting Yukino try to clean her cut.
"Kate." Sting was beside her gazing at the cut right beside her eye. It was already starting to bruise not to mention the fact that Yukinos handkerchief was spotted with her blood. Kate shrank away from Sting as he reached out to touch her. It surprised him before a sorrowful pained look filled his expression. "Kate I uh..."
Rogue signaled the others to leave and so quickly they all left making excuses about different things they wanted to see or do.
"Um wanna grab some food?" Asked Sting nervously.
"Y-yeah s-sure." Stuttered Kate however she avoided meeting his eyes and didn't accept his offertory hand up. It was pretty obvious she was scared of him right then, and he couldn't blame her he had acted the same way the old master had and Kate had often been on the receiving end of the old masters tantrums or anger.
They walked through the fair grounds a foot of space between them that stabbed at Sting. It was quiet for a good while before he decided to break the tension though he had no clue how.
"So..." Well this was not working out the way he had planned.
"Why?" Her voice was quiet but coherent as he stared down playing with the plushy pumpkin in her hand.
"Why what?" He asked of her.
"Why did you attack Rufus and say I was yours? Earlier, when I you know kissed you you you ran away. I don't understand what what were you-" she didn't finish instead chewed on her cherry red lip.
Sting grimaced and rubbed the back of his neck while blushing slightly.
"I well it's because I didn't know how to react." He responded "and don't laugh ok. It's because I I've wanted to kiss you since I realized you were mine-my mate-"
"Wait you knew!" Kate looked startled and straight at him causing a blush to rocket across his cheeks as he in turn avoided her eyes.
"Y-yeah but like I didn't know what to do so I didn't do anything so when you kissed me I felt embarrassed. I mean I'm the guy so like it should have been me you know kissing you..." He grumbled cheeks the color of Natsu's hair. "So I panicked and grabbed Rogue I wanted to do something to well make up for it you know something cool or romantic and all that girly stuff but when I came back I was still planning exactly what I was going to do so I didn't say anything and then you-" an angry expression that made Kate move away slightly covered his face. "You were hugging another guy and I I lost it. You're mine Kate and I just lost control."
He looked heart broken and completely remorseful as he gazed into her eyes. "I never meant to hurt you or Rufus I I wouldn't I can't I can't be like our master. I promised to protect those I care about especially you because I never wanted to see you afraid again but when I saw you with him all happy and touchy I lost it. I'm sorry."
Kate was surprised Sting had never spoken to her like this before and she wasn't sure exactly what to say so she said the only thing that came to her mind.
"O-oh." They continued to walk for a while the foot of space between them had diminished to just an inch or two.
Sting watched her as they walked she didn't seem afraid anymore rather she just looked embarrassed and uncomfortable just like he felt. She kept turning that dang pumpkin over in her hands.
"Where'd you get that?" He finally asked.
"Oh uh Rufus won it for me in attempts to cheer me up. It's-it's why I hugged him." She looked embarrassed to admit this and Sting scowled he couldn't help it he was jealous.
"Hey stop pouting you'll get wrinkles." She told him reaching up with her hand and trying to smooth out the frown lines between his eyes.
"I'm not pouting!" He protested scowling even more.
"Uhuh." She teased back smiling. A weight lifted off his chest at the sight but he looked away even as his cheek flushed pink.
"I'm not!"
"Your just jealous." She teased.
"Why would I be jealous! I could win you any of the big prizes here at the festival no challenge!" He bragged which only made her giggle.
"You don't have to do that."
"No I do! I'll prove I'm better! Come on choose a stand!" He grabbed her wrist and began pulling her through the games.
He's only proving the fact that he is jealous. Thought Kate but it made her happy and she smiled as he finally stopped at the strength game.
"How much to play?" Demanded Sting so enthusiastically he caught the game keeper by surprise.
"Um it's five dollars sir for one go. The green earns you a small prize the yellow a medium and the-"
"Yeah yeah I know! You watch Kate I'll get you the biggest prize first try!" Yelled Sting stepping forward.
"Uh sir the mallet is-"
"I don't need it!" And with that he punched the metal plate. Kate let out a surprised squeak but then the bell it flew through the air and away from the game. The metal board Sting had punched was caved in as well.
"And that was without the use of magic or a mallet." Said Kate half laughing half concerned as Sting let out raucous cheers.
"Kate Kate I did it! See!" The poor vendor looked horrified and terrified he quickly pulled down the stuffed animal of Stings choice and hastily sent them on their way.
"Sting look! It's so cute!" Kate was in awe of the animal. It was a golden colored puppy. "I love it thank you!" Her eyes sparkled as she beamed at him.
Stings voice caught in his throat as she gazed at him like that. "Thank you-uh oh..." Her cheeks flushed with color. She had leaned up towards him her one hand pulling on his shoulder but suddenly she seemed to think better of it. It took Sting a couple of seconds after she let him to and stepped back for him to realize what she had tried to do. Of course he blushed at this.
"C-come on!" He grabbed her hand again.
"Wha-what where!" She questioned as Sting began pulling her around again.
"To the next game." Her eyes widened but once again before she could protest they were at a game stall. This time Stings nerves and over eagerness worked against him and he lost the first round to another guy as it was a competition.
"Again let's go!" He yelled slamming down more money on the table.
"Uh Sting it's ok you don't have too-" but before she could say anymore the bells for the game had gone off.
Moments later Sting was launching himself into the air cheering in victory as the depressed Vendor passed him the largest fluffy white teddy bear.
"Hehe it's so soft!" She beamed up at Sting all thought of stopping him gone. She carried the two huge animals in her arms squeezing them to her chest. The Teddy Bear especially was huge. She was leaning against the wall of the booth with Sting in front of her towering over her smaller frame his arm pressed onto the pole above her. "Thank you Sting!" Her brows furrowed though after a moment completely ruining his attempt to catch her eye and kiss her.
"What's wrong is it not the one you wanted?" He asked worriedly. "Ahhh! Wait you not gonna cry right!"
"No! No nothing like that it's just you've gotten these for me but I haven't gotten you anything. What about your prize?" She looked up at him her eyes troubled and it almost made him laugh and hug her from the cuteness of it.
"Well if your really that bothered about it I can think of something that you can give me." He stated leaning over her even more than before.
"What's tha-mfphh!" His lips molded over hers. The kiss was gentle and chaste the kiss of a gentleman. Or maybe a hesitant naive boy afraid of going to far.
Either way Kate was over the moon.

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