Elfman one shot ~ Such a Woman

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"Hey Nina come here for a second would ya?" I turned around in surprise. Gajeel had called me over to him. (pronounced Knee-Nah not like nina as in little girl in spanish)
"Yeah what is it?" I asked carefully balancing my tray of empty glasses and flagons in one hand. Sitting around the table were Elfman, Gildarts, Macao, Wakaba, Natsu, Master, Gray, and even Gajeel. "Need more drinks?"
"Actually yeah but that's not why we called you over." This both picqued my interest and made me wary. I carefully set down my tray on the table.
"Well then what is it?"
At this smirks flitted across everyone's faces, everyone's except Elfman who was looking surprisingly rosy cheeked. A expression of nervous embarrassment was on his face. The minute my eyes locked with his he turned scarlet and quickly turned his head away from me.
Ok what on earth was going on?
"What's with the new look?" Demanded Natsu before anyone could get a point across. I looked down in mild surprise. My outfit was pretty simple, at least I thought so. I had a bright blue halter top dress with a black corset around my waist. My white stockings where thigh highs which meant you could see my skin between where they ended and my skirt began. On my feet were plain simple black Mary Janes. Then again considering my normal outfit consisted of camouflage cargo pants and a t shirt or tank top I understood his surprise.
"This oh I was just thinking that it'd be nice...to ah...switch things up. You know try something new." I shrugged with a smile. My gaze flicked towards one of the males before I quickly distracted myself. "It's not bad is it?"
"No!" My head jerked towards Elfman. He swallowed looking embarrassed and pink cheeked under everyone's surprised gaze. "I mean uh it's wonderful quite manly!"
I blinked in surprise. Manly was the height of compliments as well as the only compliment from Elfman, ever.
"Uh thank you." I said in mild shock. However I couldn't let it show that my heart was soaring. "Um what was it exactly that you guys needed anyway?"


"I'm glad I could help." I said to the kind mayor with a bow.
"Take care on your way home now!" Called the old man after us as Elfman lifted me into the cart before clambering in after me.
"That was actually really fun. Though I admit I didn't expect that fighting in heels could be so dangerous." I admitted as we trundled along.
"Yeah. You were a real man!" I laughed at this.
"I don't know about that after all I am a girl. Maybe I'm a real woman? I mean I can't imagine any of the guys putting on dresses and heels and acting as bait to catch robbers with you can you?" I suggested Elfman looked shocked, then puzzled, then he seemed to have an epiphany.
"Yeah you're a real ma-woman!" It surprised me he actually fixed what he was saying. Maybe no one had ever suggested a change in the way I did? Eh who knows...besides it was kinda my fault...
As I was pondering this Elfman was talking.
"Thank you Nina I couldn't have done this myself." He stated quietly a gentle smile on his face cheeks pink. "You looked great dresses up like a lady even while kicking ass."
This surprised me he was being so gentle so meek...
"Uh thanks." I responded not sure what to think exactly. The carriage hit a bump, and searing pain shot through my ankle making me grimace.
"Uh Nina here maybe this would be better." Before I knew what happened I was lifted and placed on Elfmans lap his arms holding me gently like a little babe. Indeed as my foot was set down on the pillowed seat it did hurt much less.
"Thank you but are you sure this is ok?" I peered up at him but he pulled me closer and tucked my head into his chest and shoulder.
"I-it's fine. Afterall what kind of a man would I be if I didn't help out a...a uh..."
"Friend?" I suggested. Why did that word seem wrong for our relationship, sure it fit well for when we were kids but now...
GAHHH why did everything have to be so complicated!
"Uh y-yeah I guess." I could tell the word didn't sit right on his tongue either as he sounded almost disappointed. This sparked a small bit of hope in my heart.
Maybe it was time for a Mira tactic. I thought Peering up at his red face through my bright turquise colored bangs. Yeah my hair was an odd color but then again my eyes were the same exact color and all the guys like it. In fact I hated it I hated the stupid color and the way no matter what it tumbled in curls all the way down to my behind no matter how much I straightened it, but because of Elfman...

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