Phil's eyes widened and he ran in front of Dan. He knew that the person would not be able to see him. So, he knew that it would be okay for him to move.

"W-what are you doing. W-who are you?" Dan asked. "Just shut up and nobody gets hurt. Where do you keep your money?" He asked, still holding him at gun point.

Phil pushed the guy down to the ground. He didn't want to move Dan away for the fear that Dan would be shot.

Dan noticed the guy get pushed to the floor, knowing it was Phil. "Phil.." Dan mumbled quietly. "Ah..Who the hell is Phil?" The guy yelled.

Phil kicked his gun across the room, making it look like he dropped it, since a floating gun would look pretty suspicious

Dan was so grateful for Phil. If he wasn't there he might have been shot. The guy quickly got up, unsure of how his gun got kicked across the room and how he had fell so he ran out of the apartment quicker than he ever had ran in his life. Dan's heart beat began to return back to normal and he shut and locked the door,"T-thank you, Phil. You saved my life."

Phil smiled and closed the door, this time locking it so no one else would come it. He pecked Dan's cheek as a way of saying 'you're welcome'

Dan felt the familiar feeling of Phil's lips on his cheek and smiled, blushing a bit even though he couldn't see him, he knew he was there. He just wished that he could see and hear him and that everything would be okay again

Phil floated above the counter and tried to think of a way to come back to Dan. But, as a human

Dan headed back to his room and lay on his bed, feeling awful because he wasn't sure how his relationship with Phil would work out. A tear slipped down his cheek slowly.

Phil had an idea. He was almost sure that it wasn't going to work but he wanted to at least try. He walked through the all and floated down onto the street

Dan looked up and spotted a photograph of him and Phil together on the London Eye. It was probably one of the first memories he'd had with him when they were together. He missed being able to see Phil and actually cuddle with him instead of having to rely on him writing things down all the time

Phil began to float down the street, he hopped that his idea would work or else he'd have to be stuck like this forever

Dan heard his phone beep and he checked it for the first time in a week. 41 missed calls. 54 texts. All only from the same four people. He decided to text a few of them back since they seemed so worried

Phil eventually got there. It was the place where he had been buried, which made him tear up a bit. He wondered if there was some way he could reunite himself with his body again. It was a strange idea but worth a try

Once Dan had replied to a few people, he decided to tweet so that his fans that were worried about him wouldn't be anymore. He couldn't tell them the news, though. It was all too much. He sighed and put his phone back down, not intending to pick it up again any time soon

Phil sat down in front of his own grave and ran his fingers along the letters. He sighed sadly and flew into the ground, seeing compete darkness and wondering what was happening

Dan looked up at the ceiling, wondering if Phil was still in the house with him or if he'd gone off. He'd never be able to tell where he was anymore since he couldn't see him

Phil forced his eyes open and looked around. He noticed that he was on the same street that he was on during the accident. He realized that his hands didn't go through his legs and he seemed to be human again

Dan sat up and wrapped his arms around his legs, leaning his head on his knees and sighing. He hoped that there was a way for him to see Phil again

Phil stood up. He noticed that people we giving him weird looks for being on the ground. He assumed that his plan worked. Phil began walking home, he wanted to run but it hurt.

Dan yawned a bit since he was so tired. He hadn't had a proper nights sleep ever since Phil had died. He shut his eyes.

Phil walked until he got to the door of their flat. He thankfully had a key in his pocket. He pulled it out and unlocked the door, walking in as quietly as he could

Dan kept his eyes closed, knowing he probably wouldn't be able to fall asleep because he had so much on his mind, but just having them closed felt better and he felt a bit more relaxed

Phil walked into Dan's room, the door was half open and he could see Dan lying in his bed. He smiled a bit, happy to see him again. Phil walked into his room and carefully laid down next to Dan, spooning him and smiling to himself.

Dan felt Phil's arms wrap around his waist and opened his eyes, turning around and expecting to see nothing because it was Phil's ghost but instead he saw his adorable face. "Phil!" He smiled, kissing his nose, both cheeks, chin, forehead, and then pecking his lips.

Phil giggled "Hello, Dan." He smiled. He missed the feeling of Dan's lips against his face and was so glad to have the feeling back again. He pecked his lips quickly and pressed their noses together

Dan smiled back, shutting his eyes again and leaning his nose against Phil's,"How did you..become you again?" He asked quietly

"Well, I went back to where i was buried and.. I somehow got my ghost to enter my body and I ended up on the sidewalk. But, this time as a human." Phil explained and closed his eyes also

Dan smiled,"Well I am so glad that you're back. I missed you so much, baby." He mumbled quietly, his eyes still closed.

"I missed you too, babe." Phil said softly and pulled Dan as close to him as he could

Dan smiled, wrapping his arms around Phil, hugging him tightly, keeping their noses pressed together. He missed being able to actually cuddle with Phil..and just be with Phil in general

~~ Hello! We have started a new story on our Account it's called "Time" and only has one read, the first 3 chapters are up and it would mean a lot if you checked it out :)
thank you!
Xox - Mia and Mandy ~~~

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