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Me and Kol were sitting alone on the sofa talking. Dad, Marcel and uncle Elijah had 'business' to take care of and my mum left earlier for lunch with Hope and Davina. Which means me and Kol have time to catch up in person.
"So little one how has everything been without me" I smile "well I finally got some time to bond with my dad yesterday so that's awesome" he chuckles "so I'm assuming Hope wasn't there then?" I laugh at him "what? how did you know?" I question him and he just looks at me for a moment, "darling you are far too happy about it and I know my littlest niece well enough to know that it means you had alone time with Nik" his eyebrow raised and a smirk plastered on his face, I just laugh and agree "You're right. But Hope has been... bitchy with me lately. I don't know why but she is always rolling her eyes at me and having an attitude towards me. It makes me so angry" I sigh frustrated "Don't worry too much little one. Siblings fight, trust me I know better than most. You will always be sisters and you will be there for eachother no matter what. Hope is just going through that moody teenager stage. Just ignore it." He laughs and reassures me. I nod and decide to change the subject from me and Hope.
"So how are you and Davina? You seem really happy!" I smile at him, happy that he finally found his safe place in her. "We're great darlin'. Really great. My wife is the most beautiful, amazing person I know. She makes me oh so happy" he chuckles and I smile hugely towards how in love he is with her. "I'm really happy for you uncle Kol. She's an amazing girl and that's exactly what you deserve and need, someone to pull you back in line" I chuckle and he hugs me. "Thanks luv, it means a lot coming from you" he tells me kissing my cheek as he pulls away from the hug.
"Anyway, what are you doing here? You wasn't planning to visit until Thanksgiving! I mean, I'm happy you're here but I have a bad feeling it's not for a good reason..." his smile slowly fades as I talk to him and I know something is up.

"Well luv, remember when your uncle marcel had Davina able to know when a witch was using magic and stuff before you were born..." I nodded and he continued "...well recently, randomly, Davina has been getting these visions. They're visions of Hope doing really bad dark magic, magic that wont only effect her wellbeing but yours as well since you're rare twins and share the special bond that you do" I stand up instantly "Hope's doing Dark magic!?" I question and he tries to calm me down "no, uncle Kol you don't get it. We made a promise to each other that neither of us would ever do dark magic because like you said, we know it would effect the other twin. She broke that promise and is putting me and herself at risk" Kol pulled me back down to sit with him, "Faith listen to me, I know that I do. That's why I'm here, that's why we're both here. Davina is with your mum and Hope now trying to figure out why she would use black magic at all before anything bad comes from it. But me and you right now need to go find your father so that we can get his help! I wanted to talk to you about it first since Nik gets overly protective over the two of you" I just nodded to agree but I was more than frustrated with my sister and the whole thought of this. I can't believe that she would do this, she knows the consequences of it Aunt Freya sat and told us all of the consequences that could come with doing dark magic and she has still done so.

"Okay come on" he grabbed my hand and we were off to find my Dad. After about 25 minutes of looking for him I pulled Kol to a stop. "Faith come on we have no time to stop" he tried to pull me again but I pulled him back. "No uncle Kol, we don't have time to walk around aimlessly looking for him..." I reach into my back pocket "... not when I have this" I pulled out my mobile phone to call my father. Kol sighed probably feeling dumb that we hadn't thought of it sooner and chuckled "you couldn't have done that 25 minutes ago?" He questioned and I raised an eyebrow at him, "last I checked, you had a mobile too. Also, you're the adult here" he laughed and held his hands up in surrender as I clicked call on my dads contact. It rang a few times before he answered.
"Hello luv, is everything okay?"
"Hey Dad, um kinda. Where are you?"
"Faith? What's going on? Why kind of? Are you still with Kol?"
"Yes dad I'm fine. Look we just really need you, Elijah and Marcel to meet us back at the compound please there's something Kol and I need to discuss with you all. Don't tell mum or the others though, not yet."
"Okay we'll be there soon"
*End of call*
"Okay he's going to meet us there" Kol nodded and we walked back.

I sat fidgeting unable to sit still whilst we waited for my dad. "Darling, you have to calm down. It's going to be fine" Kol sat next to me watching me looking uneasy. I looked at him and then back to my hands, still fidgeting "But what if it's too late what if she has already been doing Dark Magic and it's about to effect us?" I question.

"Who's doing Dark Magic Faith?" my fathers voice boomed from the doorway as he entered with my uncle Elijah and Marcel. "Dad..." I breathed a breath of relief as I stood up to hug him and he hugged me back. "Now, tell us what is going on here." he said as he pulled from the hug and looked towards Kol who smiled nervously.

*A short while yet long explanation later*

"No way, Hope would never do that..." Elijah instantly stated when Kol finished talking, I rolled my eyes and my dad sighed "Niklaus, you can not possibly believe this to be true of your own daughter" he questioned my dad giving him a look and he returned it with yet another sigh. "Brother, let's just let Davina figure out what she can before we start on whether Hope would do this or not" he looked back to Elijah who just sighed back at him.

My head began feeling a little light during the whole explanation and Marcel looked at me seeing how I felt uneasy, "Faith, are you okay? you look a little pale" he questioned causing my dad and uncles to look at me concerned, I shook my head at him and smiled "No I'm fine. I guess it's just a lot to take in. Don't worry, I'm fine." I smiled and they nodded but I could tell they didn't completely believe me. They went back to their conversation which seemed to get fuzzy in my head. My dad stood up to leave with Elijah after they discussed something buy I couldn't process what it was they had been saying. "Dad wait!" I stood back up to get to him but felt my self instantly go dizzy, I reached out for Kol's arm for some kind of support but seemed to miss and instantly head towards the ground. My dad instantly turned and seen my falling, using his speed he caught me before I hit the floor but everything had already went black and I was limp in his arms. I could faintly make out him talking to me "Faith luv, stay with me. come back please! go get Freya!" I heard him shout to one of the others. I couldn't see anything, it was all black. I felt fear arise in my body and then I don't remember anything else.

Hey! I hope you're liking the book! Let me know in the comments if you want me to keep posting more. I'm getting worried that I don't like it and I'm having second thoughts... so ya any feedback would be great 💖
Love you all

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