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Everyone was chatting amongst themselves. It's been about an hour now since the whole fight with my sister and Marcel is back, my Dad and the others told him what happened when they confronted Hope and the whole fight me and her had and he was surprised. Surprised about it all, I don't blame him. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it all to be honest.
"Dad?" I turn to him and everyone stops talking and looks at me. "What are we going to do about Hope?" I ask. I don't want to hurt my sister, but she's really pushing me at this point. I mean I know she wants my power and stuff and I get its made her jealous and stuff, I know exactly how it feels but it's not my fault that I have more power than her... I didn't even know that I did until a few hours ago. How did Hope know before me? This whole situation hurts my head.
"I don't know luv, but for right now you're both safe and that is all that matters to me until we can find a solution to this whole situation" he gives me a sad smile and kisses my head. I just nod. I don't really know what to say.

Marcel's P.OV.

I can see that there is a lot on Faith's mind. I guess it's understandable. No 15 year old should have to go through this, hell, I don't think I could get through this now.
I can't believe Hope is doing this. Its not like her at all. Jealousy really changes people huh.
"Hey Faith, do you want to go get some ice cream?" I ask her hoping it will take her mind off this whole thing. She looks at me and smiles, not a full smile, but a smile. "Yeah sure!" She says standing up. "Awesome. Do any of you want to come?" I ask them others but they all shake their heads and say no with small smiles. "Okay, let's go then" I hold my hand out and Faith takes it for us to leave. "Bye mum, bye dad. Bye guys" she waves as we leave the compound.

We get to the ice cream shop and order our ice cream. Of course Faith orders mint choc chip. Its been her favourite since she was little.
We got our ice creams and decided to walk and talk whilst we ate them. "So my littlest mikaelson.. how are you coping with all this.. Hope... stuff?" I ask her once we finally get to a bench we can take a pit stop at. We sit down and she looks at me, "well I don't know. I don't want Hope to hurt me or herself. But she's only doing it because I have more power than her, which I didn't even want or know about anyway." She tells me, she blames herself for Hope hating her right now. I can see it in her eyes "Marcel? Is it wrong that I was jealous of how the family was with Hope compared to me? I mean I know they love me and stuff but everything has always been about Hope. They helped her with her magic, they swore to protect her. They didn't even know I existed until the day I was born so yeah if I'm honest I have been kinda jealous throughout my life. How could I not? But I didn't do this.. what Hope is doing. I didn't use black magic. I didn't hurt anyone. I just tried to build my relationships up with all the family. I just don't understand why Hope would stoop to this level." She rants holding her ice cream cone pretty tightly. "Hey, hey, hey, hey. It's okay. Just breathe okay" I try to calm her before she goes to full panic mode. "None of this is because of you Faith. No one, non of us, know the full reason as to why Hope is doing this to herself or to you. Yeah we know what she has told us but there is definitely more to the story." I look down at her and she nods looking towards me. "And no, it's not wrong of you to have been jealous. I get it. I saw it happen to you. I'm sorry I didn't do something sooner. But just so you know in my eyes I've always seen you and your sister as equals" I smirk and she chuckles a little finishing her ice cream off.

Faith's P.O.V.
I finish my ice cream and throw my napkin in the trash can. Marcel really helped calm me down and I feel I can trust him with something important right now. Something I need to get off my chest. I look at him afraid to say anything at this moment in time. He looks back at me "Everything okay kiddo?" He asked me with a pinch of concern in his voice as he looks directly at me. "Umm, yeah sort of..." I say and his face of concern grows slightly more by the second. "Well did my dad or the others tell you about the veins on Hope's arms?" I ask him and he nods "Yeah, they said that the veins you could see were a solid black and dominant on her skin. They said something about it being the black magic running through her veins. I guess it's what happens when you use so much of it. Why?" He explains and than looks back to me awaiting an answer. I take a minute and a deep breath avoiding eye contact with him as best I could. I look down to the sleeve on my shirt. "Well..." I start to lift the sleeve up slowly. Here goes nothing. I show him my arms. The veins have become like Hope's, black and sticky outy on my skin. I can feel the black magic running through them and I hate it. I hear a slight gasp from Marcel as he my arm comes into his sight. "Faith..." he reaches out for my arm and I let him. He pulls it up to take a closer look at the veins. "No baby we are not letting this take you okay. We're going to get Davina and Freya to do something to stop this okay?" He tells me and hugs me for a while. I felt his body radiate with the comfort he is giving me.

Ahhh thankyou so much for almost 4K views wth! I literally didn't think anyone would like this book! Lmk if you do!
Thankyou sm for all the votes and comment's! I appreciate them so much guys 💖💖

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