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Faith turns back to her sister who is now sobbing uncontrollably and closes her eyes before she starts chanting. Another massive gust of wind travels from the girls and past us all as the ball of blackness enters Faith. She looks over at us one last time and a tear falls from her face as she falls back on the floor unconscious. "NOOOO!"

I continue to scream and bang my fists on the barrier until it suddenly lifts. I hear Hayley crying from beside me and my vision is mostly blurry. The barrier is down, that means only one thing.

I scream and run in the room to Faith, I fall to my knees at her side and put my head to her chest hoping to hear a heart beat. Nothing. I sit up, tears streaming down my face and I start CPR. "Come on Faith. Come on luv, come back to me please" tears continue to fall.

Hope sobs into her mothers arms whilst Elijah and Kol are by my side waiting to hear Faith's heartbeat again. I continue CPR on my daughter, begging her to wake up. I wont still until I get her back.

Hope's P.O.V.

I wake up from what wasn't even a sleep. It was like a bad dream, but everything really happened. I actually tried to hurt my sister and my family. I feel tears form in my eyes.

I look up and see a ball of blackness. It's the black magic, Faith pulled it out of me. I look up and then to Faith who is still chanting. I look over to the doorway and see my parents and my uncles. "Mum, Dad. I'm sorry" I hold back the tears as best I could. "Faith. Please don't do this." I turn back to my sister. "Please don't hurt yourself. This is my fault. I can't let you do this" I feel tears begin to fall from my face as I beg my sister not to do what she is about to do. It doesn't work. She continues to chant for a few moments until she stops.

She looks at me and then over to our parents. Tears falling from both their faces as the look at us. I feel her grip tighten on my hands and I can see how much pain she is in from doing this spell all by herself. "I have to do this." She looks from our parents to me and then back to them "There is no other way. This is the only way." Tears form in my sisters eyes as she continues looking between us as she talks "I tried to find another way dad, I tried I promise. But this was the only way to save Hope" I feel my heart ache as she says my name and looks back to me, tears streaming down both our faces as she makes eye contact with me.

"Faith, Princess," Dad starts to talk, we both turn to look at him. I hope he can talk her out of this. "We're going to figure this out okay. You don't have to do this" he tells her, she automatically shakes her head at him though. "It's too late dad. I love you. I love you all, always and forever. I'm sorry."

I sob as she looks back to me and tries to force a smile before she closes her eyes and continues to chant. I try to pull my hands from her grip hoping it will stop the spell but it was too late. There was a massive gust of wind travelling from us outwards and I watch as the ball of blackness enters my sister. She looks at me and then over too our parents one last time before falling back unconscious.

"NOOOO!" My dad screams from outside the room. My mum sobs and I continue to pull on my sister hand and whisper quietly between sobs "Faith. Faith please. Please wake up. Please" I continue to tug on her hands but nothing works. My dad coms bursting into the room. That means the barrier is down. That means...

No, no, no, no! She can't be gone. My dad listens for a heartbeat and then starts CPR. My sobs become uncontrollable and mum comes to my side to hug me. "Mum. Mummy I'm sorry" I sob into her arms and hold her tightly as she strokes my hair. "Shhh it's okay baby. It's going to be okay" she tries to comfort me. I can't take my eyes from Faith. Lying there lifeless as my Dad begs her to come back.

I move from my mum and crawl to my sister and father. "Dad let me try something. Please" tears continue to fall as he nods and moves back slightly. I put my hands over my sisters heart. "What are you doing Hope?" My dad questions me. I look at him. "I'm going to send a small shock through her heart to get it pumping again. My magic id weak right now but I can do this. I have to." I look up at him. I see the pain in his eyes as he avoids eye contact and nods for me 5o continue.

My dad hates me. I can't blame him though. I hate me too. I shake the thoughts from my mind and focus. I hold out my hands again over Faith's hard and focus as hard as possible. I send a shock through my sister and then look up at my dad. He shakes his head. I try again. I try to put all my energy and all my magic into this. I send a bigger shock through her. "Wait!" Elijah says leaning down to listen. "She has a pulse. She's going to be okay Niklaus" he tells my father who let's out a deep breath and another tear falls from his face as he pushes hair out of Faith's face.

I feel myself let our a massive sigh of relief. She's going to be okay. We just need to get rid of the black magic out of her. I stand up and hold my bed for balance. I dry my eyes and watch as my dad picks Faith up and places her on my bed making her more comfortable.

I walk over and lay down next to my sister placing my head on her shoulder. "I'm so sorry Faith. Im so sorry for all of this, everything I did. I'm going to fix this I promise. I'm going to make you better." I whisper to her and hold on to her hand. I feel my eyelids getting heavy and I fight it for as long as possible but I slowly fall into a sleep. A very well needed sleep.

I pretty much remember my mum walks over and kisses Faith and them me on the head before walking out. My dad does the same and thats pretty much all I can remember before I fell into my slumber.

Sorry I didn't upload sooner. Also nit my best chapter but I hope you enjoy! 💙

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