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Faith's P.O.V
"It was like I was being continuously stabbed in the stomach with a knife whilst someone was hitting me over the head with a baseball bat" I answer Kol's question on what the pain felt like. "Ouch" I watched him and Elijah squint thinking about the pain. "Yeah ouch" I chuckle. They're not letting me leave the sofa just incase something happens on I end up in pain again. They don't want me to be alone.
My mother sat next to me and my dad paced behind me. "When will that witch find my daughter" he says angrily placing his hands on the back of the sofa. I sigh and turn to face him "Dad just give Davina some time. Hope is a powerful witch too, if she doesn't want to be found Davina and Freya will have to work really hard to find her" he nods looking at me, I know he won't argue with me, especially not when he is wrong. "...yeah what she said" Kol and my mum both said at the same time making me chuckle a little. "I don't believe I could have said it better myself" Elijah smiles in my direction. I don't know what me being in pain did to him but he is like a completely different person, in a good way, I'm happy about it but it's still a bit weird that he's being extremely nice to me and stuff. I just smile back at him and my dad shakes his head at us all.

Less than a few moments later everyone turned towards the door as we heard footsteps I recognise to be Aunt Freya's. But she wasn't alone, her and Davina came walking in quickly. "We found Hope" was all she said before my dad headed towards them, Freya instantly turning around "Elijah with me. Hayley, Kol, Davina, you watch Faith" he said walking towards the doors. Elijah now followed behind him and my mum stood up and followed "No, Klaus, she's our daughter. I'm coming" she walked towards him. He stopped and looked at her "there is no time to argue" Freya told him as she continued walking my dad sighed in frustration (something he seems to do a lot) "Fine..." he says walking towards me and kissing my head "I'll be back soon luv, we're going to sort this whole thing out" I smiled at him as he looked at me before walking away leaving me alone with Kol and Davina.

Klaus' P.O.V.

The 4 of us walk out of the compound, following Freya to where turns out to be the attic of St. Anne's church. God I hate this place, even though it was where the girls were born. It was such a violent start to their life.
Walking up to the attic, I decide to take charge of the situation. I open the attic door revealing Hope, she was stood there with an evil look in her eye as she glared towards me. "What are you doing here?" She basically growled at me. I look around at the room and see some sort of ritual or spell about to occur, the floor was covered with divergent components and my mothers grimoire was set on a table. I try to step into the room but feel a boundary spell stopping me. "Hope, luv, take down this boundary spell and talk to me" I try to rationalise with her but her face grew angrier. "You shouldn't be here dad. You need to leave" I look at my daughter stood there but she seemed like a totally different person. "Hope, look at your arms. Look at what you're doing to yourself..." I point to her arms as her veins were now blank and vibrant under her skin "the black magic is taking over you. And you're dragging your sister down too" I try to reason with her, hoping that she will see the error of her ways.
I saw a hint of guilt in her eye for a split second before she became emotionless. "Is that the best you can do?" She questioned with a laugh, "trying to get me to feel guilty about hurting my sister well maybe you should all be with her right now instead of getting on my nerves" her anger grows as she points her hand in our direction and mumbles some sort of spell, less than seconds later I feel an immense pain in my head making me drop to the floor "ahh.. Hope please, baby listen to us" I hear Hayley say from behind me as she too is in pain. "Maybe you all need a lesson in the fact that I'm not a baby anymore!" She balls her hand into a fist making the pain in my head 10 times worse, I grip my head and try to keep my focus.
"NO!" I faintly hear Freya scream before a big gust of wind and the pain stops. I let out a huge breath and  look up. I see my daughter laying on the floor of the attic unconscious. "Hope!" I shout as I stand up, "she's fine.." Freya reassures me whilst out of breath, I just knocked her out to stop the spell on you three" she says looking between me, Elijah and Hayley.
I not at her and take her hand so she can begin the spell to take down the boundary spell. It takes a few minutes and I could here Hayley upset behind us as Elijah comforts her. It didn't take too long for us to break the barrier and we instantly walk in and I head straight for my daughter. Her veins were still black but the expression on her face was now soft like it usually is. I pick her up and turn to the others. Freya is walking around and looking at hopes spells and I see the worries expression on her face, "what is it sister?" I ask her and she continues to walk in a circle around the spell. "I've seen this before. Klaus..." she looks up at me "this is the spell to suck the power from others..."

Okay but why is hope after more power?!
Hope you're enjoying this book! Ngl I'm making it up as I go!
If you have any suggestions or anything, let me know in the comments! Thankyou!

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