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Faith's P.O.V

"Dad? Dad!" Everything went black. I can't see him anymore. I can hear him calling for me begging me to come back. "Dad bring me back please. I want to go home!" I scream tears falling down my face as I fall to my knees in the middle of nowhere. "Please bring me home" I sob between breaths.

I see a light shine above me. I feel myself drawn towards it and I slowly stand and make my way towards the bright white light in the distance. "Faith! Please!" I hear my dad scream causing me to turn around. There's nothing there. It's just black. I shake my head and continue heading towards the light. Where else have I got to go I guess?

Klaus' P.O.V.

"Please come back to me..." I sob now unable to feel anything. Elijah comes running into the room and knelt down to my level. "We will get her back brother. I give you my word" he sighs and I feel a sudden anger boil within me out of no where. The sadness is turning to anger. The tears on my face dry up and I lift my head to look Elijah in the eyes.

"Don't do that." I mumble through gritted teeth. He gives me a confused expression. Even I have no idea where this is coming from. "Don't give me hope in something you can not guarantee brother. Don't make me believe there is anything I can do to change what is happening right now because there isn't. She is gone! I have lost one of the most important people in my life. So don't give me your word on something that may not even be possible Brother!"

I the anger boils within. I don't know where this is coming from. I want to have hope that she will come back to me, I want to believe we can find a way through this but I'm afraid. I'm afraid she is really gone and I have lost my little girl forever.

Elijah stands speechless at my words for a moment as he takes a step back. "You can not possibly believe this is it. That this is the end of your daughter. You have to fight Niklaus. Fight for her because I assure you wherever she is, she is fighting to get back to you and her mother so don't you dare give up on her now." He tells me sternly. No shouting. Just a slightly aggressive tone within his words.

I only nod. I am unable to find any words. I hear Hayley enter the compound. She hasn't been here much since Faith... well you know. She spends most of her time at the bayou avoiding calls from Hope. We haven't told her. We can't. We don't know how. Faith is dead but she's not. Any normal body would have started decaying or something by now but nothing. So what do we tell Hope?

She makes her way up the stairs towards the bedroom we are in with Faith on the bed. "Any changes?" She asked when she entered, looking down at me still on my knees. "What happened?" Her eyes flicker between me and Faith lying on the bed. I took me a moment to process the information I was about to give her.

"I... I felt her." Was all I could say as I look over to the bed. "What do you mean you felt her Klaus?" I feel Hayley's eyes burn into me as she wants for me to answer her. I begin to stand unable to look at her. "I don't know. I... I was on the phone to Freya and I felt her touch me. Her body was still on the bed but I know it was her. She held my hand Hayley. She's lost. We need to get her back." I turn to face her holding back the tears. I watch as a tear falls and rolls down Hayleys cheek, Elijah by her side to comfort her.

"O..our little girl is s...still with us? W...we can get her b...back? You... you felt her?" She stumbles over her words holding back the sobs. I nod and she falls to her knees Elijah there to catch her. I hold back my tears and walk toward the bed holding Faith's hand. "I will bring you back luv. I will bring you home. I swear it." I lean over and kiss her head.

Hayley stumbles over to the otherside of Faith. Elijah following her. "Babygirl. My little girl. I...I love you." She sobs. I watch silent tears fall from Elijahs face. We need to get her back.

Faith's P.O.V

I'm close. I'm almost there. Almost at the light. "I will bring you back luv. I will bring you home. I swear it." I hear a voice in the distance. The opposite way. I turn and look into the distance "Dad?" I take a step into that direction. But it falls silent. Tears stream down my face. I know what this light means... I guess it's my time. "Babygirl. My little girl. I...I love you" I turn around at the sound of my mothers voice. The sobs I can hear from her. "Mum?"

I run in the direction of the voices. Away from the light. It's not my time. My family needs me. I don't want to die. Not yet. I run but it's never ending. The light has gone from behind me. I feel my legs giving in from below me but I'm not giving up. I'm going going get back to my family. I have to.

Sorry its taken me so long to update 😳 work has been taking up the majority of my time lately im sorry.

So what would you guys likw to happen next. I have a few ideas in mind atm but i dont know where to go with this.
Thank you for all the love <3

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