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I look around and feel tears prick at my eyes as I see my family in pain. I feel a headache coming on from the black magic Hope is using as she laughs walking towards me.
I take a step back ready to run but that's not who i am. I am Faith Mikaelson. Youngest twin daughter of Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall-Kenner. I am stronger than I, or anyone thought. This is my fight. I stop and take a step towards her, I see a hint of fear in my sisters eyes, fear and shock right before she became emotionless. Again.
"Oh, someone's feeling big and powerful" she said through a gritted smile. "I'm not afraid of you Hope" I tell her and her smile fades "you should be" I watch her focus on sending all her power at me, it was like a sense of black mist in the air between us coming towards my fast. This is going to hurt. "I- I believe in you Faith" my uncle Elijah says through the pain.
I feel a sudden rush of power through my body as the black glowing magic seems to come towards me faster. "NO!" I scream, throwing out my hand and sending a burst of green glowing magic back at her...
It hits her power and I feel her strength, well, the strength of the black magic she is using. I don't know what this is, what spell, what magic. I have no idea, its just coming out of me through anger and rage and heartache. I don't think Hope fully understands it either by the look on her face she is trying to figure out where this black mist of magic she sent at me is came from. I assume this wasn't part of her plan.
I see panic arise in her face as she notices I'm stronger and the green mist begins out-waying her back magic mist.
"Ignarious" Hope whispers quietly. It took me a moment to realise the spell but I was a moment to late. Fire started to arise from all around us, I hear my dad scream in pain as the fire appears from below him. I take a breath to avoid panic.
"Adiuuatur" I say calmly, waving my other hand around the room, the fire dies down instantly and I saw Hope get more frustrated. This seemed to be taking all of her energy but none of mine. I've had enough of fighting with my sister. "This is over Hope. You can't win me." I tell her, before she can answer I feel another rush of power through my body and I send it directly at her. It throws her across the bedroom behind her and she lands on the floor next to her bed. Oops I was aiming for her bed. My bad 😏

The pain lifts from everyone around me now that Hope is unconscious and I run right to my mum and dad dropping to my knees in front of them laying on the floor. "Mum, Dad are you okay?!" I ask them panicked. I hug my mum and then move to my dad. "We're fine luv. Thankyou to you." He kisses my head and smiles at me as we all stand up. "Yeah that was pretty amazing darling" Kol said from behind me. I smile and turn to hug him. "I don't even know how I did it or what it was. I'm just glad you're all okay" he smiles and hugs me back.
I turn to Elijah and look at him for a second, he looks down at me and smiles slightly. I lean up holding his shoulder and kiss him on the cheek. "Thankyou for believing to me uncle Elijah . I love you" I say quietly before hugging him. "Always and forever" he whispers back holding me tightly.
I turn to hug Aunt Freya and Davina. "You were awesome Faith. I've never seen anything like that" Freya told me and smiled. "Yeah. That was unbelievable. I've never seen someone with so much power handle it so well" Davina said agreeing with Freya. I just smile at them, not really knowing what to say back. I don't know what happened. I don't even know what spell or whatever that was I did to take out my own sister. Maybe I should research.

We all turn towards the bedroom and look at my sister unconscious on the floor near her bed. "What do we do with her?" Kol said breaking the silence. "I can put a spell up to keep her in the room?" I suggested but Freya shook her head. "No that wont work, me and Davina tried that. She just walked right through it as though it wasn't there." She told me but Davina shook her head stepping forward. "Maybe we weren't strong enough. Maybe if we both work with Faith to put up a barrier it might work. Faith is stronger than Hope." She tells Freya and she nods. "Yeah let's give it a go. Faith?" They stand either side of me holding their hands out.
I take their hands and close my eyes as we begin to chant "Apné sà mene" over and over again. I feel power rush through my body, I guess the girls felt it too as the both squeezed my hands slightly. After a few moments the spell was done and the boundary was up. We all stopped and let go of eachother. They both breathed heavily for a moment trying to catch their breath whilst I just stood their perfectly fine. Everyone raised an eyebrow towards me in confusion. "What? Did you not see how much power I used to send Hope flying into there? That didn't effect me. A boundary spell is nothing compared to that." I chuckle slightly and they all laugh along.
Kol made his way towards me and put his arm around my shoulder waking down the hallway towards the stairs as everyone followed. "You darlin' have your fathers attitude and sarcasm" he tells me laughing. I laugh with him as we walk down the stairs. "That she does brother. That she does" my dad smiled and ruffled my hair as we sat down on the sofa.
Sorry I haven't posted over the past few days it's been kinda busy. Hope you like this chapter! Lmk! 💖 I love you all!

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