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After we ate our lunch, dad decided it would be good for us to take a nice walk through the great city of New Orleans since we never have together before. We walk hand in hand as he talks me through the history of different buildings. This father-daughter moment is by far the best part of the day.

I stop walking and so does he as he stops mid sentence. "What's wrong luv?" He asks me concerned. I don't say anything, I just stand in my tippy toes and wrap my arms around my fathers neck to hug him, he hesitated for a second in shock, but hugged me back tightly. For a moment it felt like we were the only 2 people in the street. We finally had time to bond and it made me so happy, I couldn't help but smile into the hug.

We pulled away and my dad looked at me with a small smile, "what was that for?" He questions and I smile "Nothing, just to say thankyou for today and to tell you that I love you" I smile back at him" he just nods "well in that case luv..." he pauses for a second and the envelopes me into another hug, I wrap my arms around him once again taking in his scent. "... I love you too" he whispers in my ear leaving a huge smile on my face.

We pulled away from each other and carried on walking as he  continued to tell me about the history of New Orleans. We stopped near a bench that we decided to take a seat on for a short amount of time. I lay my head on his shoulder as he spoke "that building over there was actually where me and your uncle Elijah..." was the final thing I heard, I didn't realise how tired I was until I had lost consciousness on his shoulder.

*skip to 2am*

I woke up in my bed in slight panic. I jumped up and ran out my room to look for me dad. "Ah there she is, did you have a nice sleep luv?" He smiles at me as I walk down the stairs "um yeah, I'm really sorry for ruining the day and falling asleep on you" I chuckle awkwardly. "Nonsense, carrying you home in my arms as you slept peacefully was the perfect end to a perfect day..." he smiles at me and I smile back "go get some more rest luv, you were only asleep for an hour or so and you seemed really tired. Plus it's pretty late" I nodded and walked over to him to kiss him on the cheek. "Goodnight dad, love you" I said as I walked back towards the staircase. "Sweet dreams darling, I love you too" he sends me a soft smile and I walk out of view.

Walking back to my bedroom I start rubbing my eyes, my dad was right I'm extremely tired. "Goodnight Faith" I heard behind me making me jump, "oh my God, Elijah you scared me" I say as I turn to the suit dressed man. He just looks at me before walking closer to me kissing my head "have a good sleep" he says as he walks away "thankyou, goodnight" I say, still feeling the sense of awkwardness lingering in the air, as I walk into my bedroom closing the door and the collapsing on my bed instantly.

*A few hours later*
I woke up to my sister sitting on the bottom of my bed, I sit up rubbing my eyes. "No it's not weird that you're watching me sleep Hope, it's perfectly normal honestly." I smirk tiredly and she raises an eyebrow at me "you're sarcasm is going to get you in trouble some day." I shrug at the idea of it and lay back down.
"Anyway, Uncle Kol is on his way home with Davina" I instantly sit up and look at her. "Tell me you're not joking. If you're joking I will hit you" I tell her trying to hide my excitement, she just rolls her eyes at me "I'm not joking Faith, they will be here soon so freshen up and come downstairs" she tells me with an attitude as she walks out.

"Ughhhh" I feel my blood slightly boil at her attitude towards me but but I just throw a pillow in the direction of the door even though she's gone. I roll on to my back giving myself a minute to stretch me limbs before getting out of bed.

I jump into the shower to wash myself and then get out and get dressed, pulling the towel from around my, now, damp hair leaving it to dry naturally.

After I was done I went downstairs to my dad sitting on the sofa talking to marcel "here's my littlest wolf" he smiles at me, sometimes I don't mind that I'm a few seconds younger than Hope. I smile and go sit next to him "hey Marcel" I send him a smile before he gives me a funny look and my smile drops "oh so hey marcel is all I'm getting? No hug or nothing?" he raises an eyebrow jokingly. I chuckle and stand up to hug him, he smiles into the hug "Hey little one, how you doing?" He questions, "I've been okay" I say as we pull away and he smiles at me with a nod. I sit back down next to my dad and lean my head on his shoulder.

"Did you have a nice sleep luv?" He asks as he places a small kiss on my head "yeah, you were right I definitely needed the rest" he chuckles at me and the room falls silent. I couldn't even feel the presence behind me until I noticed Marcel was looking behind me making me look at him in a confused manner.

"God darling, I thought you'd be more excited to see your favourite uncle" the strong cockney accent came from behind me, a huge smile grew on my face as I turned my head to see him stood behind me "UNCLE KOL!" I shouted jumping from my father and over the couch to one of the only people who understands me. I heard my mother shout from behind me "Faith don't jump on the furniture" as she walked in the room with Hope, but I pretended I didn't hear her as Kol embraced me in a big hug. I know we Facetime a lot and text all the time but I still haven't seen him in months so it's a big deal that he is here. "How are you luv?" He asked me into the hug, "I'm better now that my favourite uncle is here" I whispered knowing he would hear but hoping Elijah didn't. "I heard that" Elijah shouted and I chuckled as I pulled away from Kol.

He went on to hug my dad, Marcel, my mum and Elijah whilst I hugged Davina. I turned around as Kol got to Hope, "Hey luv" he said her responding with a small "hey" as he tried to give her a big hug but she gave him a small one instead before he turned to the rest of us and smiled at me which I returned. I could tell that Hope not hugging him properly hurt his little feelings, I rolled my eyes a Hopes bitchiness.

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