Chapter 7

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WarFairy hopped over a small ditch and tackled through a huge plant. "Over here. I got a case over here."

"Bloody useless. What's that, a pack of bullets?"

WarFairy pointed at it. "See those gold stripes on the case?"

Raven rushed over to her. "Yeah?"

"That means it's the only case we're gonna really need."

Ell joined Raven by the container. Her eyes were wide, and her breaths deep."Why? What's inside?"

"Open it." WarFairy fixed her shades.

Raven popped the lid and threw open the case. Inside lay two, black flashlight-looking objects with wrapped handles. She sighed as she brushed the hair from her face and looked back over her shoulder at WarFairy. "Two handles? Samurai swords?"

WarFairy pulled them out of the case and handed one to Raven. "Be extremely careful when handling one of these. Ell, step back."

Raven felt a little knot form in her stomach when she took in the finer details of the rod in hand. It was much heavier than it looked. The frame was solid and very dense.

"Alright. So, because we haven't solved the heat issue - yet, it should only be activated in short bursts." WarFairy flicked the switch on her device and a steady stream of red light shot out from one end.

Raven's eyes widened. "Impressive!"

"Yeah? Watch this." WarFairy activated it again and cut clean through a huge dead tree on the ground. When the stream connected with the tree, it made the sound of a drop of water hitting a red hot skillet.

Ell brushed the hair from her face. "Holy crap, a light-sword? Now I've seen it all. That's intense, but I mean, hot-intense." Her words were strung together as if she was drunk.

WarFairy switched it off as soon as she was all the way through. "Like I said, short bursts. Saves battery too. That one's yours babe. Adjustable length, concentration, D.O.D Azoth battery - their make, my design."

Raven raised her weapon up for closer inspection, avoiding the trigger. "So this must be what you were working on all this time."

"Among other things. C'mon, let's keep moving."

"Hey, where's mine?"

"These two are prototypes, Ell. I didn't have time to make more; and we will once we iron out the kinks."

Raven bumped into WarFairy. "Speaking of kinks, I thought we had cracked open a shipment of vibrators." Her brows raised for a moment and she licked her lips at WarFairy.

She put on a happy face and made every effort to keep WarFairy on her side. Whether Raven meant it or not, she disliked herself the more she employed those tactics on Massacre and WarFairy. She loved them both but hated what it meant and what it did to her.

WarFairy shot her a quick smile. "I thought so too. I 3D-printed replicas as functional gags. I was gonna surprise you with them before presenting these deadly prototypes to the guys."

"Aww, that's so sweet. Are you serious though?"

WarFairy winked and smiled. "Yep. I'll show 'em to you when we get back - really powerful engines too. It'll be our little secret."


WarFairy scoffed. "You know how guys feel about those things. Massacre thinks the machines will replace them all."

"Mmm," Raven hummed. "Not exactly. That man aims to please. You might be surprised how far he's willing to go."

"D'you mean like that time he burned down that club full of innocent people? Where is MagicMan anyway?" Ell asked from a few feet behind them.

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