03 | HORT

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She would love to kill her crew for telling Tedros some of the things that they don't usually tell their captives but no one puts up with her shit better than the Girls of the Atlantis.

She was thankful for, was the fact that Hester hadn't said anything about her past. Just some one liner that ends a chapter leaving readers excited for the next part.

She sighed and pulled off her cloak.

AGATHA clutched her ugly black dress and shivered. Her dressed was soaked, her unruly hair was drenched, and she was lost.

She hugged her knees and softly cried.

The rain did nothing to ease her worries of getting lost and eaten by an animal of some sort.

It was stupid of her to run away from Tedros.

So stupid.

They boy just wanted to get to know her. But sadly, due to her unsociable ways and the thump of heart ringing in her ears, nervousness got the best of her.

She ran away from the Garden of Gavaldon and found her way through the creepy forest of the Endless Woods.

Why the hell was that stupid cute prince giving her these feelings?


She wiped her drenched face and silently cried.

"Agatha are you there?!?" A boy screamed, "Please come back! I'm sorry!"

Agatha sniffed and looked around for the sound of the boy's voice. "Tedros?"

"I'm here!" the boy squeaked from the distance, "Come back to me, please! I'm sorry! Stay where you are, I'm gonna get you."

To be perfectly honest, she couldn't forget the warmth that spread through her chest when she heard the young prince utter those words.

THE CAPTAIN groaned and rubbed two fingers on the bridge of her nose. Why now?

A past, a title, a family, and a betrothed.

Stupid, stupid past.

Only Hester knew. Cause Hester wasn't really the gossip type, and she might've snooped in the captain's headquarters, just to discover the Amphitrite before. The one who wasn't the Queen of the Sea or whatever people called her nowadays.

Amphitrite shook her head. She shouldn't be thinking of the past. She should be thinking of the present. And the future for that matter.

With a final glare at Tedros' direction, she sashayed off to her headquarters.

Her room was on the far corner of the lower deck. Like every room in the ship, her room was identified with golden letters that read, AMPHITRITE. However, her door had two golden tridents painted on each side.

She opened her doors to reveal a suite fit for a lady captain.

The wooden floorboards creaked as she stepped in.

Half of her room consisted of her personal things. A vanity, a queen sized bed with sky blue sheets and white pillows, a lamp on a table beside her bed, a mini bookshelf by her vanity that contains her favorite books, and a bathroom with her toiletries.

AMPHITRITE: Queen of the SeaWhere stories live. Discover now