Chapter Twenty Five: Dare To Fancy Me?

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I gently stirred awake, taking in a deep breath.
I was still laying on top of Robert. It surprised me, he hadn't run off or tried to drag me away someplace...maybe he wasn't lying to Malevris when he said he loved me. My head was still on his chest, my hands on his shoulders, and his strong arms around me, looping underneath my wings, which were all over the place, almost acting as a blanket.
I realized my lower half was quite exposed, considering I only had on the lacy lingerie... I wonder if that had been Robert's doing... It did seem like the kind of thing he would want me to wear...
My wings were wide, but not so long as to where they would cover my exposed legs.
I was directly on top of Robert, so I looped my legs underneath his. My feet just barely reached his...I was so short... Thankfully, he was in jeans. But, not a shirt.
As my chest rested on top of his, I could feel the warmth radiating from his body, so different from mine. As I got back into a comfortable position, he began to wake as well.
Cracking open his eyes and having the dumbest little smile on his face, he spoke to me.

"Mm. Good morning Luv."

I had barely opened my eyes either, and we both had morning voices.

"Ah, good morning Mr. Runaway "

He let out a low laugh "Oh is that what you see me as? I could say the same thing for you. You had me quite worried."

One thing I had almost never noticed about Robert, was that he had a faint British accent- a very strange thing to miss.
"Ah- so you missed me?"

"Well of course I did Luv. I scoured the streets 'till I found you"

"Mmm. I see."
We now both had dumb little smiles on our faces, and since I have never been a morning person, I failed to realize that he is completely in control of our situation.

"Now Luv, I must ask you, how do you feel this morning?" Robert asked with a sly grin.

How did I feel?

"Oh-I feel fine, I think"

"Well then that works perfectly."

He had a smile on his face as he tucked my wings against my back, and I was about to ask him why, but before I could speak, he had both hands on my waist, and rolled us over. We were now in the middle of the queen-size bed, and Robert was on top of me.
Before he did anything, he asked me for something, a strange request.

"Luv, would you please care to give us some privacy with your shadows? Just in case that little boy comes back here. He'll understand."

"Oh! Sure I can."
I let my magic fill me, concentrating on the doorway, where I cast a pitch black curtain of shadows.

"Mm Hm! That's much better Luv"
He turned back to me, and couldn't look more pleased. Here I was, under his control and not even fighting it- although I had no idea what he was going to do.
"Alright then..." I whispered
"What did that drink do to you Clarissa? You had fought me in the bathroom, and now here you are, unable to tear your eyes away from me, just waiting for me..."
Oddly enough, as he began to gently kiss my neck and jaw-line, I didn't even want to rebel...
"Maybe it's because you had Malevris undo the spell..." I said softly, not looking at him.
He paused for a moment
"You saw that?"
"And are you mad at me for that?"

I thought about it for a moment. "No...I'm not"
"That's a surprise.But now you must also know that we both need to be Scarlets...and that I want that connection between us"
He continued to kiss my neck, moving down to my shoulders as I spoke to him softly.

"Yes. I do know- and I'll do it"
He broke off and looked into my eyes. "You will?"
"Yes"  I whispered as I gently wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Now Clarissa, I need you to know something...something very, very true."
"And what is that?"
"I. Love. You."
I gasped at how much truth I heard in his words. Robert was tricky, but I could feel that here and now, he was baring me his emotions.

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