Chapter Fifteen: Beating Heart

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I feel the wind rush through my hair and under my open wings. As I fall, an updraft catches me and takes me higher. My heart races as I see the beautiful city skyline from a real bird's eye view.
"Hey! Don't get too caught up in the sights Clarissa! You might crash!"
I hear Robert call out from about a hundred feet below me, and I pull my wings in slightly, and turn my body vertically, which lets me drop down to Roberts height, where I then unfurl my wings once again and hover in front of Robert.
"Wow...there's no need for you to complain about flying to Colorado"
"Umm...are you sure about that? I'm obviously not the best flyer around"
"Oh, come on Clarissa!"
Robert stared me down a 'you-have-to-be-kidding-me-right-now' face.
"What is it?" I asked him.
"You. This is your first time flying, is it not?"
"It is..."
"Well look at you!!! First you fearlessly jump out the window, completely trusting your wings. Then you're able to locate an updraft and ride it over a hundred feet higher than I was! Your take off technique was flawless, and the way you dropped down here made you look like the most experienced flyer I've ever seen" He praised loudly.
"You honestly think that?" I asked in awe.
"Absolutely babe"
"well then..." I quietly stared at my nails not knowing what else to do. It probably wasn't the best thing to do when flying.
"Hey, I'm gonna go get my bag so we can head out, okay?"
"Yeah... I'll just wait on the ledge here..."
As Robert gracefully flew back into his room, I sat on the roof, continuing to gaze at the bright city. A cold breeze ruffles through my hair, and I wrap my wings myself to keep warm. I think back to when I found the newspaper the other day. It had said September... September 23rd. That would mean its September 25th now...but then again...what city was this? How quickly was it going to get freezing cold here? That made me think; can harpies withstand intense weather? If we can't...then I'll be stuck inside with the handsome yet deceptive Robert in Colorado...
In the midst of my thinking, I hear the whoosh of wings, and Robert lands next to me on the roof, placing his bag down next to me.
"Are you ready to go Luv?" He asked.
"Um...yeah...I just wanted to know what city we're in...and how you're going to get away with this without your parents noticing"
"Oh that's easy. First, we're in New Hampshire now, and about my parents...don't worry about that, I left them a note saying that I'm heading out of state for a little 'me' time...hopefully they don't call...and I didn't mention when I'd be back so..."
"Oh, okay..."
"Well are you ready to leave now?"
"Okay...obviously I'll carry the bag since I have just a bit more experience with flying..."
"Okay long as you lead the way, then I'll be okay"
"Alright then!"
Robert slipped the backpack onto his shoulders like a normal person, but carefully avoiding his wings, and jumped off the roof. He flew backwards a bit to give me clearance to jump, and I stood up and came to the edge. Remembering the stance he taught me, I opened my wings through the slits cut in his flannel I was wearing (which Robert apparently already did to all his clothes...I wondered if he did the same to mine already...) With my wings spread wide, I powerfully jumped off the roof. It was much higher than Robert's window, and it took me a moment to realize that Robert was about a foot in front of me.
"Woah! Careful!"
Robert put his hands on my waist and straightened me up
"Of course Luv! Now..."
Robert searched around in his pocket for a moment before pulling out a small silver compass.
"We need to head west so...this way!"
Robert turned to his right and I followed in his wake, our wings beating in unison, hidden by the dark night sky as we headed towards Colorado.

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