The gang's all here

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Mia: *sees the "milkman" again* 

Bonnie: *weakly* Milkman...get away...we're fed up with you...

Mia: Don't waste your battery...just stay down. *covers eyes and faces him* This...has gone far enough. You've been messing with us for the last time...and'll regret it! *charges at him and got a few good shots with her hand covering her eyes* 

Slenderman a.k.a the "milkman": How determined you two are...those five days were worth it for me to find you and kill I did to Charlie Matheson...

Bonnie: *weakly* So you killed Charles Matheson...

Slenderman a.k.a the "milkman": That's it's die! 

Mia: Crap! All of my magic's gone! *squeezes eyes shut only to hear a gunshot* What was that? *opens one eye* 

Angel: Mia? Is that you in there? *walks closer* Oh my is! 

Mia: A-Angel?! 

Kat: Guys! They're in here!

Rosie: *looks inside* Holy crap! *runs over to Mia and hugs her tightly* You scared the hell out of us...

Freddy: *runs over to Bonnie who's unconscious* What happened to him? 

 Mia: His battery's almost dead! We need to get him to a power source immediately! His battery's about to die in like a minute! 

Foxy: Oh dear god...

Chica: *runs over to Bonnie, puts her hand under his head* Bonnie...?

Adalyn: *comes in riding the cow from before* 

Mia: Addy? How did you train it to do that? 

Adalyn: I followed steps on Google. 

Kat: C'mon, let's get you two out of this place and back home. 

Slender the arrival (my version)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora