The search for the gate

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Bonnie: *looks up at the tree house* Charlie! Get out of...get out of the freaking tree house we need some help down here!

Kat: I already checked, he's not up there. 

Mia: Oh geez, he could be anywhere!

Bonnie: We gotta go back here again! I'm gonna kill Charlie when I find him!

Mia: Let's...not go too far. 

Bonnie: Sorry. *enters the barn* I don't even know where the gate is. 

Kat: Oh's that shade of purple again. 

Mia: It's giving me the creeps. 

Bonnie: I like purple but not when it looks like that. *runs out of the barn* Oh, now it's completely dark. 

Mia: At least we can see the moon.  

Kat: *sucks through teeth as she looks in the distance* Guys...I have some good news and some bad news. 

Bonnie: Please tell us the good news. 

Kat: The good news is, I found the gate. The bad news is, it's on the other side of the cornfield from earlier...

Bonnie: Oh no...really?!

Mia: Are you serious?!

Bonnie: We gotta go back through the cornfield!? I don't even know where the gate's at. 

Kat: *points to the gate* Way out there right after the cornfield. 

Bonnie: Oh, is that the gate way over there? 

Kat: *nods* 

Bonnie: Oh man. *mutters* You gotta be joking me. You gotta be joking me. You gotta be joking.

Mia: We're so dead! 

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