Emergency call

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Mia: *pulls out her phone and calls Hyena* 

Laphin Hyena: Hello?

Mia: *panicked* You better get us right now!!

Laphin Hyena: Woah, woah. Calm down...and slowly tell me what happened. 

Mia: Okay...okay. So what happened was that a demon girl came and started chasing me, Bonnie and Kat. 

Laphin Hyena: Kat's with you two this time? 

Mia: Yeah...Freddy, Foxy, Chica, Rosie and Addy are trying to find us. 

Laphin Hyena: What happened to Bonnie? Is he okay? 

Mia: The thing is...when we were running from the demon girl, he tripped over, saw her and fainted! 

Laphin Hyena: Okay, okay. I'll try to find you and pick you guys up. 

Mia: You better hurry! The whole thing is all your fault by the way! *hangs up* Okay, Hyena's on his way. 

Kat: Thank god. *carries Bonnie* Where should we go? 

Mia: We should bring him to the house we saw when we first came here. 

Kat: Okay...let's go. 

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