So close yet so far!

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Kat: Where's the freaking radio tower? 

Mia: Hell if I know. 

Bonnie: *comes up to another fence pole with a paper that says "12". What is it with all of these numbers? *unfolds the paper* "The house had to go. It can't save me anymore". Well...starting to feel the same way, pal.

Mia: It was probably from CR or Kate. 

Kat: Yeah probably. 

Bonnie: *sees the tower* We're almost there! *excitedly* Look at the tower! Look! Look! Look at the tower! 

Kat: What exactly are we supposed to do once we get to the radio tower? 

Mia: Yeah...we don't exactly have a plan. 

Bonnie: Okay. Okay. Going up here. We're gonna make it! 

Kat: *chuckles* Somebody's excited. 

Bonnie: *turns to Mia and Kat* You see, I had a plan the whole time once we get to the radio tower. When we get there, we're going to give signal to Rosie and the others to let them know where we are. When they get to the tower, that's where we'll be and we'll be out of here!

Mia: Nice plan, dude!

Bonnie: *thinking* It's really nice that they didn't interrupt me in the middle of explaining. 

Kat: Uh guys? We have a problem...we can't go up this way...there's a rock blocking the way. 

Mia: Crap! We're gonna have to go through the caves again. 

Bonnie: Oh we go into the caves. *turns on the flashlight* 

Slender the arrival (my version)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя