chapter 19

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On your way back to the jeon mansion, jungkook held you close to him as yoongi drove the car. You both were completely drained off of all your energy and for some reason the way jungkook held you so close to him made you feel at peace.

You rested your head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders. A lot had happened today and you didn't even know about most of it. Jungkook told you about your fathers' demise but you couldn't bring yourself to feel any emotions at all upon hearing that. Why should you? That man was nothing to you, all your life you had resented him.

Still a part of you couldn't stop thinking about how different things would have been if you had a normal relationship with your father… but then again maybe this was for the best, you tried to tell yourself over and over. You hugged jungkooks' body closer to your own, loving the warmth of his body against yours. It felt good to have someone by your side who genuinely cares about you.

You heard jungkooks' heart beating softly against your ear, it felt oddly calming. In that moment you realised just how much he had started meaning to you. Just how much things had changed between the two of you. It was almost hard for you to admit that you cared for him. That you were thankful to him, not because he had helped, but because he cared for you.

For once in your life you didn't feel so alone, sure jimin had been there all your life. Caring for you, even loving you for who you were but a part of you always felt lonely. He loved you as his friend, which happened to be the same case for you too. But with jungkook things were...different.

You liked him... As a man.  As crazy as it sounded, it was true. You had started like him, alot. He was there for you when you had no one. He helped you selflessly, going as far as even risking his life for you. A fluttering feeling filled your heart and toxicated your mind.

Jungkook softly caressed your cheek and kissed the top of your head. The gesture alone was so out of character for him, but that wouldn't stop him from doing it over and over if it was for you. He was willing to make all the exceptions in the world for you, because that was just how much you meant to him.

In a matter of just a few months, jungkook had fallen so deep for you. He was amazed at the kind of person you were. He had never met anyone as fierce and as loyal as you. All his life he never had anyone to go home to, anyone he cared about. Anyone he looked forward to seeing. Anyone he was willing to risk his life for, anyone he would go past any limits for but it all changed when he met you.

You made him understand just what it is like to truly care for someone means. Where you are willing to do anything in your power to save them. He found a purpose when he met you because all his life he only ever killed ruthlessly and his only motive behind his every action was to gain more and more power.Jungkook couldn't be more grateful for you. You had changed him as a man and he was willing to do anything to make you stay by his side forever, To love him just like he loved you.

Jungkook smiled softly when you pressed a soft kiss against his chest and snuggled closer to him. But the little gesture was enough for his heart to start racing, how was it that even the simplest of things made him feel so euphoric if it was coming from you. Is this what being in love means? Jungkook wondered.

"sir we're here." yoongi informed breaking the silence. Jungkook got out of the car first and helped you out. He held you by the waist and guided you into the mansion. "lets get ourselves cleaned up yeah? The nurse is waiting in the clinic for us." you nodded your head as you walked in the mansion.

Your eyes widened when you saw a small figure sitting on the bed, their back was facing towards you but it wasn't hard for you to figure out who it was. All the tiredness seemed to have vanished as soon as you saw him, immediately getting out of jungkooks' hold you ran towards the clinic and to jimin.

Jungkook watched you happily run to jimin and if he was being absolutely honest, the sight hurt him a little, and he immediately felt jealous. He decided to give you some privacy but he couldn't find it in himself to completely leave you two alone, a part of him was scared of the unknown. He stood hidden by the door frame, as he silently eavesdropped.

"jimin!" you exclaimed loudly making him turn in your direction, you quickly jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly. Jimin wrapped his arms around your tiny body and held you close. You sobbed softly against his chest, "you're here chim, you're safe... You're safe" you mumbled and buried your face deeper into his chest.

Jimin softly caressed you back, to calm you down. "i am here now y/n-ah." he whispered softly. He held you close to his chest as you sobbed softly. Once you finally felt a little more calmed down, you leaned out of the hug and sat close to him on the bed.

 "i was so worried about you, i- you have no idea how worried i felt when i heard that you father fucking sold you off! I was- god it was so horrifying to just imagine- " jimin was at loss of words as he softly caressed your bruised cheeks, he slowly eyed your bruised neck and felt his heart clench at the sight.

"i am okay chim, but i thought i had lost you forever when i heard that taehyung had kidnapped you i-... If it wasn't for Jungkook i might have lost you chim." you said while examining his hands that were bruised and freshly put bandaids on. 

A small tear escaped your eyes again upon seeing his busted lips and bruises all over his face." You have no idea how much the guilt was killing me, knowing that the only person who ever cared for me ended up being in such a situation because of me- i... Argh i am so glad to see you, here with me, safe and alive." you once again hugged him tightly.

Jimin caressed your head softly, "its alright now, we are both here. Together, alive and safe." he said while resting his chin on top of your head just like jungkook had a few minutes ago. "I missed you." jimin whispered softly.

"i missed you to chim, everyday. To be honest i miss when my life was...normal. yeah it was miserable, but that had become something i had come to terms with, it was normal. I miss when all i had to worry about was school. Things have changed so much in the past few months." you admitted.

Truth was you felt trapped here, you felt useless even. All you had done these past three months was stay locked up in a room. You couldn't help but feel caged. You talked to jimin about your true feelings. How things had been the past three months, how it made you feel, all of it. And he listened to you ramble about it all with interrupting at all, he let you let out all your thoughts.

After letting out all your thoughts and feelings, you looked down and softly squeezed his hands, "thank you for listening to me ramble on and on about my life chim, i really missed this." you thanked him sincerely making jimin smile and pull you in for another hug, "i missed this too" jimin mumbled. 

"i should get going now chim, i am pretty sure jungkook wouldn't like it if i stay here for any longer. i'll come see you soon, okay?" he raised his eyebrows teasingly before giving you a quick hug. "sure sure, now sleep well y/n-ah" he patted your head before waving you goodbye.

You locked the door on your way out, and turned around to leave only to be met with jungkook standing by the door frame, looking at you with unreadable expressions. "have you been standing here all this time?" you gasped, your eyes were wide and jaw slightly dropped as you asked him, did he hear you talk about how you really felt here all this time? 

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