"You don't need more gloss, you already look gorg." I hear Finn saying.

"Uh huh." I mumbled back.

"You don't like me very much, do you?" He asked behind me and I can see his reflection through my mirror and he's completely staring at my ass.

"Oh what makes you think that? The fact that you're completely staring at my ass now?" I snapped and he immediately look up and looked at me through the mirror with a smirk. "What you're doing here anyway?" I asked annoyedly. "You seem to always be here even tho I always tell you leave me alone." I said fixing my concealer with my finger softly.

"Geez Princess, easy down. I'm here because that's my locker." He said opening the locker next to mines and I rolled my eyes. "So we'll see each other even frequently."

"Can't wait." I said ironically.

"Hey br—what the fuck?!" A voice exclaimed approaching Finn and I look through my mirror confused and it's my brother so I just turn around. "What are you doing here?!" Noah asked angrily. "I thought my eyes were tricking me yesterday because I barely recognized you."

"You guys know each other?" Finn asked confused.

"No." I said mad.
"Yes." Noah said at the same time as me and Finn seems more confused.

"Bro, what's her name?" Finn asked.

"Rachel!" I exclaimed before my brother could say Lea. "Rachel Berry." I finished and Noah gave me a knowing smile.

"So Rachel, why the hell are you here?" Noah asked.

"Because I didn't have a fucking choice." I tell him.

"How you guys know each other? Wait! Puck, don't tell me you cheated on Santana." Finn said with wide eyes. "Dude, you're dead."

"Ew!" Me and Noah complained disgusted at the same time.

"No! I did not cheat on Santana." Noah said angrily.

"So where you guys know each other from?" Finn asked and I don't want to be related to Puckerman.

"Life." I said. "Anyway, I don't owe you or you any explanations about my life so..." I said annoyed and closed my locker. "Toodles." I said with a fake smile and left pissed off.

Puck's POV

That bitch!

"She's so hot." Finn said staring as my sister leave and I punch his shoulder. "Ouch! What's that for?!" Half of my anger because I hate her and the other half because he's talking about my sister.

"Just shut the fuck up, she isn't hot." I said mad. Yesterday I saw a girl talking to Santana, my girlfriend, and I really thought it looked like Rachel but never that I imagined that it would be her. She looks so different, I just thought it was her because dad keeps more recent pictures of her around the house. So she's really here, so that means that my other dad is also here. I'm glad to see my other dad but I'm not glad to see my sister.

LEA is a bitch and I don't like her.

"Oh yeah, she is. I get you bro, you have a girlfriend so you can't look at other girls, but damn! She's hot as hell." Finn said and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh so you guys are going out or something?" I asked. This would be my worst nightmare, her being bestie with my girlfriend is bad, but her dating my best friend? No way on Earth.

"No, she doesn't like me very much. She's always snapping at me actually, but that makes her hotter." Finn said. Ew! It's gross guys talking about my sister like that. Ugh. Annoying. "I don't know why she doesn't like me, she just doesn't. But I like a challenge."

"It has to be that challenge? So many girls at school and it had to be her?" I asked annoyed.

"Well, she's the hottest girl around and I heard that she's the new head Cheerio. Fabray is out." He said and I'm surprised. My little sis Lea is now a the captain of the cheerleading squad? I did not see that one coming. I figured that she's a Cheerio because of the uniform but I didn't think she was good enough to take Quinn Fabray down. "I gotta tell you tho, she looks oddly familiar. Like I've seen her somewhere but I can't point exactly where." Finn said and I figure that he probably just overlooked a picture of her at my house or something like that.

"The way you're drooling over her, you probably saw her in your dreams." I said and he laughed. "I don't like her. You shouldn't hang out with her, that girl is a bitch." I said.

"Well, that bitch is talking to your girlfriend right so you better smart up." Finn said and the bell ring and I groaned.

This is a fucking nightmare!

Rachel's POV

"Yo Berry!" Someone called out and I know exactly who is it. I'm on my way to Cheerios practice

"Hello brother, what could you possibly want?" I asked in disgust.

"Oh sis, don't treat me like that." He said ironically. "I'm just warning you to stay the fuck away from my friends. Find your own."

"Well, you should tell them to stay away from me because I don't do anything and boys wearing letterman jackets come to me and stick on me like glue." I said to him.

"You stay away from them or else I'll tell everyone your secret, Lele." He said and I grab him by the collar and pull him closer to me.

"I'm just going to tell you this once so you better hear me, if you dare to do anything against me, trust me when I say that I'll do three times worst without feeling any bit of remorse. So don't mess with me that I won't mess with you. You don't have to like me, but you better don't try to bother me." I said angrily and let go off his collar and walk away but in half of the way, someone else appeared.

"That was hot to watch, even tho I couldn't hear, it was still hot." Finn said.

Finn fucking Hudson.

"Noice." I said annoyed and he chuckled.

"Why don't we go out? I mean, I'm hot, you're hot, I'm popular, you're popular. Perfect match." He said and I rolled my eyes then it hit me.

That's perfect, although I despise Finn Hudson with all my heart, he would the perfect way to pick on my brother that seemed so bothered about the idea. Finn was a dick to me when I was younger so I don't feel bad at all for using him to annoy Noah.

"Alright." I said and he seemed surprised by the answer. "Give me your phone." I said and he hand me the phone and I put my number in it. "You're hot, I'm hot, nothing bad can come out of it."

"Couldn't agree more." He said smirking.

"Text me when and where you wanna go out and I'll text you my address." I said with a smile.

"Awesome." He said half smiling and winked at me and he went to football practice and I went to the other half of the field to the Cheerios practice.

Let the games begin.

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