Chapter II

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This chapter has been dedicated to HetalShahDesai.



The meek messenger entered the pitch, black room. He blinked as his eyes adjusted to the gloomy darkness. Scarce beams of moonlight managed to slip through the only arrow slit and hit his master Arthur's face. He spoke quiveringly to the master's back," The work is done. They have been assassinated." "Leave", commanded Arthur,his voice devoid of any emotion and in that void the messenger saw a terror beyond reckoning. The messenger scrambled on four legs but just as he silently slammed shut the door he glimpsed a silvery, shiny bead race down Arthur's cheek. It was fair - after all he had commanded his own beloved son's death for the good of the empire. On Rulerstead's command.



Tng! Tng! Tng! The gong rung ominously overhead. The death of a prince. The bell stopped after a while and then a fine, red stallion raced through the castle gate and stopped at the gardens where it trotted stoutly. Taperend observed this quintessence of Dupark haughtiness from his cozy chambers. He lazily sighed , picked up his massive girth and marched down two flights of stairs. When he reached the ground he saw the horse snort towards him. It then with a flourish lowered its neck and grazed on the lush, royal grass. A riderless horse - the sigil of Dupark men. That was at least relief amongst the turmoil in Cobardon, a pail of water to quench the dessert's thirst. Not before long, he saw from his vantage gardens, row after row of gaunt soldiers with oiled, black mail and spears with blood red blades. The Dupark had been true to their word, they had come in strength yet, he felt a nudging sensation of something about to go horribly wrong.

His eyes counted 10,000 men and more still pouring into his city of Napemol. Still, he didn't glimpse the sight his heart yearned to see. The ants stopped coming and he counted 15,000 men. He walked with all the pride he could muster as his belly jiggled. A smile lay awaited and hidden on his countenance. Their leader came on a tottering horse, not dissimilar to the stallion he had seen before." Aah! My awaited guests", he proclaimed and smiled cherubicaly." My lord Taperend, Lord of Napemol", he announced, saying the words like a gibe with a tone Taperend liked not, while dismounting from the horse. This man won't talk with respect till I give him a taste of his own medicine, Taperend pondered. He angled his neck up and then rolled his eyes downwards and demanded from the leader," Where is the heart of your army? Where are the drag..."

Before he could end his question he heard a loud growl echo outside the city walls. The chief gave a sly smile and came within uncomfortably proximity in a blink of an eye. He whispered, a threat evident in his voice ,"Here they come, Ringhal!" With that Taperend glimpsed the large head of a dragon sheathe out a cloud, its scaly, thick wings tearing the clouds to shreds.

Red was the dragon and red was the flame that blasted off its mouth.

Red was his blood and red was the blade that cut him beyond doubt.

Red was the horse and red was his heart before it burned out.



The courtroom was monumental with one long side non-existent. Instead was a window without glass which offered spectacular, panoramic view of Cobardon's green fields for thousands of miles till clouds met the fields and merged into a haze of invisibility which they called the edge. Legend portended that the day The Eye didn't exercise dominion till the edge that would be the day The eye would fall.

Merisa snapped back into the courtroom filled with the haggling, bickering courtiers of The Eye and Seachurner, determining her fate. She muttered under her breath," I have given them enough pleasure now down to real business." Merisa bellowed," Grave for the gossiper." After a moment's silence she declared," Leave courtiers." The wizened courtiers scurried away on four legs; a whistling wind occupying their emptied seats. All that were left in the room were Merisa:The Ruler of The Eye; Benz:The Prince of Seachurner; Dom(one in his ad infinitum names):The Ruler of Seachurner.

She stared at the edge for a moment to get impact. Merisa drew in a deep breath and with an infuriated expression looked at the father-son. She said her voice filled with false disbelief," You were kings? Who are you now?" No reply. Good. " Let me tell you." She yelled, her voice defiant and malicious," Nothing! What land is yours? None! None because what was rightfully ours was taken away from us. Sacked and snatched. We were insulted, suppressed. But no longer, for we have the chance of eons within our grasp. We will not be insulted anymore! We will be Kings and Queens! We will rule! Once, we had fallen, but now we rise stronger than ever. May Lady Loshpel and Lady Makhri smile on us. This time, Rulerstead shall fall and shatter to pieces beneath our feet! We are Kings and Queens! We are invincible!" She stretched the last word as if it portrayed all the might of The Eye and Seachurner's.

"Who is it?", asked Dom in a hushed voice. A smile crept up Merisa's face.

"Fort Wingbearer!"

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