Chapter 28

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Next day Cherry and I got ready for school. I went to school with Cherry on her scooty . Today was a busy day at school and coaching . When finally we returned home after coaching we were damn tired . Taniya made a coffee for me and herself. Then we sat to complete the coaching assignment. As I was sipping the coffee while solving problems of rotational motion my phone rang abruptly . I saw the caller id , My mom was calling me . I picked up the call instantly.

My mom had called me from Dubai airport .She asked me about my well being . After talking for about 10 minutes my Mom ended the call as she had to board the plane for Los Angeles .Then I went to the dinner table . Tonight the cook has made Fried Rice and Garlic soup for supper. After eating the dinner we head back to Cherry's room for sleep . Just then my phone rang and my heart skipped beats . I picked up the call as my heart beats became rapid because Chirag was the caller . Then I heard a hello from Chirag on the other side of the phone . Then Chirag asked me if I was comfortable in Cherry's house . I told Chirag that Cherry's family is quite hospitable and they are taking great care of me. After that Chirag got fully assured that I was fine at Cherry's home . Then Chirag insisted me to attend his final match . First I was reluctant because Chirag's final match is on 6 September and my exams are starting from 8 September but then Chirag's requested me to come . He said to me" Please do come because I consider you as my lady luck . Secondly I want you there to support me in the most crucial match of my career ." Chirag's words melted my heart and I said a yes instantly .

As the call ended I could see a smirk on Cherry's face . Then I knew that a lot of teasing is on it's way. As I thought Cherry teased me with Chirag's name and she also pointed out to the blush on my face .Indeed my face was red like a tomato . Then Cherry laid down on the bed to sleep . I got up from the bed and I moved towards the study table , I switched on the study lamp. Then I wrote a typical planner for the upcoming week . I made a time table to study , although I know my time table for exam study will go haywire in the end but then making a time table will help me to some extent by managing the time .

Argh .....the coming week will be hectic with practical exams in school , coaching and then self study for exam . Secondly ,when you stay with your friend time flies in chatting or watching Netflix so, sadly I need to spend more time on books and less time with Cherry. Thirdly , I have to spend one whole day watching Chirag's final match . So, I have just total 6 days to study .

Argh ....the next 5 days were terrible as I jumbled my time between school practical exams , coaching and then I slogged hard in self study for exams at night . In these 5 days I really missed my mom's turmeric milk which my mom always gave me to drink during my exams preparation time.

So, Today finally it is September 6 and I am going to watch Chirag's match.I wear a black and white stripped top with a pair of black jeans. I then braid and twist my front hair, I leave rest of my hair into two low pigtails.Then I complete my look with decent amount of makeup. Cherry dropped me to the school at 9 am because the school is off for today due to the final match of the tournament .

As I reach the basketball court I notice that today the court is well packed with people and our principal and chairperson is also present in the audience.As I looked around for a seat for myself ,Chirag came to my side . I wished him luck then Chirag gave me a pass.I looked at him curiously.

Then he told me that he had arranged special family pass for me so that I could cheer Chirag from the family box seat. I was overwhelmed and touched by this sweet gesture of Chirag.

I sat in the family box seat then the match started. Throughout the match my fingers were crossed as I kept praying for Chirag's team to win. At last my prayers were answered as Chirag won the match.

Chirag's last basket (goal) had made the team won the match. So,Chirag's teammates took him on their shoulders as an honour. I automatically rose up from my seat in happiness and I clapped proudly for the victors and my Chirag. He is truly perfect in every sense . He is polite ,gentle ,caring , fun loving and a pro at basketball . can I forget about his hazel chocolate brown eyes which made me fall in love with him .

After the victory lap got over , Chirag was awarded player of the match . After collecting the winning trophy with team ,Chirag came towards me . I hugged him instantly. This huge was full of affection and love. Chirag hugged me back and I had butterflies in my stomach .

After that I came home it was  already dusk time . I took a refreshing bath then I ate my dinner along with Cherry . After that we watched a movie on Netflix as Cherry wanted to refresh her mind because she was studying since morning . After watching the movie we dozed off to sleep . I had a lot of things in my mind as my exams approaching near  making me have cold feet as I had dread thinking of what will my dad do if my  exams don't go well . After tossing and turning up in the bed for a while I finally sleep .

*******CHAPTER ENDS***********

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