Chapter 20

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It's evening time now and we are going out for dinner party at Nueva Restaurant , South Delhi. I took permission from my mom to go out for dinner with my friends but I didn't dare to ask my Dad because he would have possibly denied me the permission being the "strict dad ". Well... my mom gave me the permission for the dinner at Nueva with my friends but did'nt tell my mom about Chirag as a part of our dinner party because then I would have got a lecture from my mom for going out with a male friend which I wanted to avoid for my own good .

So, Taniya and Cherry went to their homes to get their respective outfits for dinner and their nightwear for the sleep over at my place. Yes! I will have a sleepover at my home with my friends Cherry and Taniya tonight. This is the first time I will have a sleepover at my house and I am really excited about the sleep over .

But dinner plan is making me super nervous because this is the first time I will meet Chirag after realising my love for him and this fact is making me super jittery . Secondly , today I am going to confess my feelings to him which is again making me tense and nervous .

After few minutes Taniya and Cherry returned from their homes with their outfits for tonight dinner and other stuffs required for their stay over at my place. As Taniya and Cherry decided to wear western dresses , I too picked up a western style black dress paired up with short black boots.

I ,Taniya and Cherry together got ready for the dinner . Cherry did a bit of makeup on my face with a hint of blusher , smokey eyes and a maroon mat lipstick . After getting ready we called a cab to go to the restaurant . After 10 minutes the cab came to pick us . We went to the restaurant and then we headed to the table we had booked for us . We saw Chirag waiting at the designated table for us. I looked at Chirag , he was wearing a white formal shirt paired with ripped jeans making him look like a Greek god. We ordered Yoghurt Coconut Pana cotta( Italian dessert consisting of cooked coconut milk ,sugar and vanilla seeds mixture with gelatin and whisked yogurt) ,Vegetable Ceviche (lime dressed salad of baby corn ,baby carrot,water chestnuts tossed and marinated in coconut flavoured milk) ,Vegetable tortillas with a twist (Mexican flat bread filled with cheese, vegetables and salsa baked until crisp) . The food and the regal ambience of the restaurant was making my nerves a bit calm . After dining together, Taniya and Cherry went to the ground floor where dance floor was situated while I and Chirag sat together with awkward silence .

After few minutes of silence Chirag spoke trying to start a conversation " So Diya how was the food ?" I smiled and said " Food is nice here . Even the interiors of the restaurants are great." Chirag smiled and said " Even Ananya likes this place ." I frowned a little thinking about who is Ananya . Chirag understood my unsaid question and told me that Ananya was her cousin who is two years younger to him. I don't know why I felt a relief listening that Ananya was Chirag's cousin sister.

After that we both talked about random stuff but suddenly I felt a warm hand caressing my right hand softly . I looked at my right hand , Chirag was now holding my right palm in his hands. My heart fluttered looking at my hand in the soft clasp of Chirag. Oh...I want him to hold my hand forever. Argh .....get a grip Diya, I internally scolded myself . Then I looked up and I saw Chirag staring at me without a blink .

Chirag was lost watching me ,I faked a cough to bring him to his senses. He came to his senses and he offered me a glass of water , thinking that I needed some water. I sipped water and then I took a deep breath. You can do this, I said to myself to gain some self confidence and courage .

I hope I don't make a fool of myself by stammering infront of Chirag while confessing my true feelings for him. I closed my eyes then I looked straight into Chirag's chocolate brown eyes then I confessed to him" Chirag after you confessed your feelings to me , I tried to introspect my heart and I realised that even I like you . So, if you are comfortable then we can get into a relationship and we can steadily work with our new relationship ." After saying this I kept my eyes lower as I was shy and nervous, thinking about what would be Chirag's reaction to my confession .

Chirag lifted up my face by my chin slowly and gracefully. I could see a pleasant smile on his face . He looked in my eyes and he said" So, you accept me as your boyfriend ? " The word boyfriend made a silver shiver down my spine . I simply nodded my head in approval. Chirag's eyes glittered with glee and he said to me " You will be first, my best friend then my girlfriend . Our friendship will never be ruined irrespective of our relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend ." I give Chirag a huge grin as I admired his maturity and sensibility about our friendship. Chirag then said " So, lets dance together to celebrate our newly formed bond ". I smiled and agreed to dance with him . We all danced our hearts out . I have never felt so happy before .

After that Chirag escorted us to the cab safely and we reached home safely,luckily before the curfew time told by our parents. After reaching home three of us went inside my room and we changed our clothes into nightwears . Then we started our very first pyjama party , we watched movies , shaked our legs on music , played some board games together .

After that we sat on the bed to chit chat . Taniya wiggled her eyebrows and said" Did you confess to him?" I said "yes ". Cherry too wiggled her eye brows and said teasingly" So, Diya are you now taken? I mean are you now in a relationship with Chirag as his girlfriend ?". The word girl friend made me blush hard . Both my besties understood from my blush that now I had confessed and now I am Chirag's girl friend . So, my besties shrieked in joy . They even danced with happiness as if I had announced my wedding.

Rest of the night we spent chit chatting , my friends were crazily asking me about what happened at the dinner , they wanted to know every minute details about my confession and Chirag's reaction to it . They even asked me when did I first met Chirag. So, everything was discussed about Chirag for the rest of the night until Sunrise .

At sunrise three of us felt sleepy , so we then decided to take some sleep . This was the best night with amazing dinner with friends along with my confession to Chirag, the pyjama party with my girl gang , I thought to myself . As my friends drifted to sleep , I saw the sunrise . It's a new sunrise for me with a new beautiful relation with Chirag, I hope it brings new joy in my and Chirag's life, I thought to myself before drifting into my much needed beauty sleep .

*******CHAPTER ENDS*************

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