Chapter 17

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I cleaned my make up . Then I and Taniya  went to Cherry's house . From Cherry's house I called Reena didi to tell her a fake story that I got struck in the exhibition so I got late and I couldn't get home from school .So, I directly went to the coaching from school and I would be returning home after attending coaching classes. We had some time lag before I could go back home pretending that I came home after attending coaching classes so, we decided to watch Netflix in Cherry's room .Watching Netflix and munching pop corn with my buddies after  working hard for 2 weeks felt like a relaxing spa for me after which I felt happy and fresh .

Then I changed into my school uniform before heading back to my home so that no suspicion arises in Reena didi's mind about my story of going directly to coaching from school when I reach home. As planned Reena didi didn't get any clue about my lie . I went straight to my room and locked it from inside before I took out the trophy  from my school bag . I stared the trophy for a few seconds then I thought to  hide the trophy secretly in the box which I use for storing my sketching files . As this box is quite big , spacious and has a lock in it ,I was assured that my trophy will be hidden in the box just like my sketching files were secured inside the box. I locked the box carefully as if I was hiding some atom bomb recipe in it. Well these sketching files and trophy are like atom bombs for me because if someone at my home specially my mom or my dad saw them , then I will get bombarded with questions, accusations of breaching the trust and I feared that my Dad could disown me . These dreadful thoughts made me shudder with fear so, after locking the box , I hid the box beneath my clothes in the cupboard as nobody peeps inside my cloth wardrobe .

After hiding the trophy I took a sigh of relief and then I went for a shower. After that I ate my dinner and then  again I retired myself in my room , I removed the things from my school bag that I had kept for my dance competition . Then I kept my books in the bag according to school time table because from tomorrow studies will continue in school as Dance competition was the last competition in the streaks of competitions.

Only the Basketball competition will continue for about a month. That means I could see Chirag during recess time , I thought to myself .The thought of Chirag playing and staying at my school  churned my stomach with butterflies. I smiled at my silly imagination about Chirag . Then I locked my room ,I switched on some music in my headphone . I opened my laptop and I opened Instagram. I checked some profiles of my classmates then I suddenly  thought if Chirag was on Instagram. I quickly typed Chirag Malhotra and I found Chirag's profile . I noticed that it was not a private profile so I sent him a request , after sending the request I felt stupid for being so  impatient and silly. I shut my laptop quickly and lay down on my bed . I tried to sleep but it was far away tonight. I tossed in my bed for an hour but then my phone beamed with notification . I quickly grabbed my phone as if my life depended on it .

To my surprise Chirag had accepted my request and I jumped in joy as if I  had climbed Mount Everest . I composed myself then I closed my eyes to drift myself to sleep but Chirag's face came in my view as I closed my eyelids . Then I slept with dreams of Chirag and me running in the snow and I slept with a sweet smile on my face .

Next day I got up quite early without the assistance of my alarm clock . As I got up early I decided to jog in the park near my house . I wore a track suit and I headed to the park after informing Reena didi . As I jogged in the park I felt cool breeze on my face . The greenery and cool breeze were best things for an early morning of August , I thought to myself . After taking a few strides I felt thirsty but I had forgotten my water bottle . So, I sat on the bench of the park .

But as I sat on the bench a  hand with a water bottle came in my view and I was about to grab the bottle  politely when the person holding the water bottle threw the water on my face . For few seconds I was shocked to react or understand anything . But then I saw the owner of that evil hand and the water bottle and my angered doubled because the trouble maker of my life, Ruchi the devil was smirking at me after throwing water on my face from her water bottle . I had an urge to punch Ruchi the devil in her face but I refrained myself seeing a bandage on Ruchi's forehead .

Then I noticed Ruchi's mom at a distance talking to some ladies in the park .I saw Ruchi's mom had a fractured arm , I felt bad for Ruchi's mom . So, I decided not to get into a fight with Ruchi early in the morning as it might trouble Ruchi's mom unnecessarily if she witness a scene in the park involving her daughter Ruchi. I avoided Ruchi and I moved towards the entrance. But Ruchi being Ruchi the devil stopped me by grabbing my arm violently . I turned around and I saw anger burning inside Ruchi's eyes . Then Ruchi left my arm . I looked at her questioningly as I didn't knew why was she angry at me early in the morning .

Ruchi glared at me and then said
" You are the reason behind my accident".

I was baffled at Ruchi's accusation at me and I replied " Why the hell you are blaming me? How can I be responsible for your accident".

Ruchi shot back at me in a louder tone" Because of you I got suspended and people talked nasty things about me behind my back and I was a total mock and gossip topic for the whole school . This whole fiasco affected me badly and I felt a bit depressed thinking that my reputation in school and neighbourhood was all gone . My parents tried to cheer me up by planning a trip to Mussoorie but on our way we met with an accident . My father got paralysis in the right side of his body , my mom suffered broken bones and injury . All this happened because of you! because you shattered me mentally, making us go away from the city and  then on the way the accident happened . If you hadn't troubled me we would have never travelled and we could have been safe at our home"

I gaped at Ruchi trying to understand what all Ruchi blurted out all in one go. But before I got back to my senses as I was too stunned and confused by the accusations , Ruchi's mom came by her daughter side . She pleaded me to stay away from her family especially her daughter Ruchi with her hands folded . I felt guilty because a mother was folding her hands in plea infront of me .I noticed even the ladies in the park sympathised with Ruchi and her family thinking of me  as a witch who had destroyed a happy family.

I was at a lost of words as my mind was getting messed up but I gathered some courage and I spoke to Ruchi's  mom" Aunty I am really sorry for what happened to your family but please I am not responsible for Ruchi's suspension ,depression or the accident . So, please don't drag my name into any of this as I am not responsible . It's your daughter' s fault because she is malicious and she  is always conspiring against me".

Ruchi's mother slapped me hard across my face right after I gave my clarification .Ruchi's mom was fuming with anger and she shouted at my face" Don't utter nonsense about my daughter because I won't take a single word against my daughter . Now don't cause any trouble to my daughter and family as you have created enough trouble for us. Now get lost before I give you another slap ".

Now tears were welling up in my eyes even the ladies were giving me angry glares. I wanted the earth to swallow me as I could not take any further insults . I  headed straight to my home as I didn't wanted to shed my tears infront of Ruchi ,her mom and the neighbourhood ladies present in the park.

I stormed off in my house , by now my head was throbbing with pain . I hid my tears from Reena didi and I told her that I was not feeling well due to headache . She looked at me with concern on her face. I assured Reena didi that it was just a headache which I got due to extra hard work in school yesterday and I would be fine in a day after rest . She nodded in understanding while I informed her that for today I won't attend school and coaching and instead I would take rest in my room.

Then I texted my friends that I was a bit tired from yesterday and I would take off from school and coaching for today. Taniya and Cherry advised me to take proper rest at home . After that I switched off my mobile . Then I cried my heart out in my pillow . The whole day my mood was sad . So, I chose to remain inside  my bed , wrapped in my blanket reading a novel . Reena didi came to my room to give me food and I pretended to be normal infront of  Reena didi hiding my sadness .

At night I cried myself to sleep as I thought what was my fault? Why Ruchi hates me so much? Why I had to suffer with no fault of mine? Before sleeping I concluded that Ruchi would never change her maliciousness and animosity towards  me because her jealousy towards me would never let Ruchi's mind and heart change for good . A few more tears left my eyes before sleep engulfed me fully making me away from my heart's pain for sometime .

*********CHAPTER  ENDS***********

Road  Not  Taken ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon