Chapter 35

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Next day my alarm clock beeped . I shut off the alarm and I stretched my arms lazily . Then I did all my morning chores and I took a refreshing bath. Then I ate oatmeal as my breakfast . After that I got ready for school . Then I zoomed off to school .Today Cherry and Taniya don't have any exam as they have different optional subject from  mine . I reached on time and I sat in the classroom for my Fashion studies exam. I felt elated seeing the question paper as I knew everything asked in the question paper.

I attempted the whole paper of total 70 marks . Fashion Studies has 30 marks practical .So, the theory paper is of 70 marks . I did the paper in 2 hours and still 1 hour was left because the paper is of 3 hours duration . For rest of the 1 hour I just sat there physically as my mind was gone in my own world of imagination. Within this 1 hour I thought about  Dad's domestic Violence , my future if I pursue medicine , my life with Chirag . Well the topic of Chirag invaded my mind .So, I was thinking about those hazel brown orbs , his cute smile, his gentle nature . Soon I drifted to sleep with my head down on the table . I again dreamt of me and Chirag running in the snow and we were about to kiss each other in the snowfall when someone shouted " Get up you lazy head". Argh....what the hell who is spoiling my kiss .

Then someone jerked my arm . I got up and I saw the invigilator glaring at me . Argh....I was sleeping and dreaming about Chirag . The teacher looked at me as if I was some alien . Then the teacher shouted " Miss Diya don't you want to submit your answer sheet!" I quickly gave my answer sheet and the teacher left my desk to collect sheets of other students sitting behind me.

I took a sigh of relief . Argh...these days whenever I sleep I have dreams of Chirag, I guess I am going insane . After all the sheets were collected we were allowed to leave the classroom. So, I stood up and I started to move out of the classroom  when  someone pushed me intentionally . Argh.....that Trisha , minion of Ruchi pushed me . Anger was boiling inside me now . I  got out of the classroom and I  followed her furiously. I saw Trisha was going towards the old staff which is now converted into a store room. I thought why the heck Trisha is going to the store room when no student is allowed to step inside that store room. I was intrigued so I kept following Trisha without getting into her notice .

Trisha  went  inside the store room and  she  the  shut  door , I stood at the door and  I  listened carefully. Trisha started to talk to someone while the other person in the store room  was quietly listening to Trisha.

Trisha exclaimed " I am completely elated that you took your revenge boss!". Who is this boss to whom Trisha is talking , I wondered. Then I again heard Trisha " You exposed your enemy so cunningly boss , she got a great lesson and now she will never raise her voice against you ". What is she talking about enemy , revenge and lesson . Who is the enemy , I thought to myself .Then Trisha said " That lover boy met with an accident .Haha....Nobody will suspect that it was a conspiracy and not a accident . Boss you are a  mastermind ". Then a very familiar voice spoke " That mug head nerd got what she deserved . Hope  that  Lover  boy Chirag  got  severe  injuries ". What this  boss is talking about Chirag's accident  and the voice of this  Boss is so  familiar . I ...I need to see who is this boss , I thought to myself .

Then  without  thinking  for  a second I barged inside the store room as the door was not locked from inside .Then I saw the person with Trisha . The one who Trisha was addressing as her boss, the one who harmed my  Chirag . This boss  is  none  other than  Ruchi the devil , my blood boiled instantly .

Ruchi the devil was shocked to see me in the store room .She glared at me and said " was the drama at your home when your dad discovered your dancing talent . Did you get a good dose of smacking from your dear dad , huh....tell me ....hehe". Enough is enough , my inner voice shouted .I shot back at Ruchi" Mind your bloody tongue before uttering nonsense about me and my family or else you will repent your own words , I am warning you Ruchi !".

Ruchi laughed at my face as  if  I was cracking some joke and then she shouted at me " Diya Mehra  you are like  a barking dog who won't bite me . As usual you are threatening me but you can't do anything against me . Bloody coward you are!". This enraged me beyond any measure . I  went  near Ruchi the devil and I gave her a tight slap on her face. The slap was so hard that Ruchi fell down with the force of my slap. Trisha shrieked in terror and she helped Ruchi to get up on her feet.

As Ruchi got up , I saw  Ruchi  had my hand imprint on her right cheek . I could see tears in her eyes but still she was shamelessly glaring at me with her teary eyes . Ruchi the devil shouted in her shaky voice " Yes I did harm your boyfriend Chirag . Yesterday I went to the coaching parking lot secretly and I cut the wires of brake from his motorbike so that he gets hurt which would hurt you too!". Argh can Ruchi stoop so low . I gave a death glare to her and I said " Today it was a slap but if you again tried to harm me , my family or my Chirag then you will be in jail for sure as I will complain to police  if  you  again conspire something nasty against  me and  even your minions will be in jail if they join you in your conspiracy against me and this is no joke so take it as my final warning ".

I could see terror in Trisha's eyes while Ruchi was still staring me . Then  Trisha dragged Ruchi with her .After  that  I came home . I made a conference call to Taniya and Cherry and I told them everything that happened in the school  store room. Both my friends were shocked beyond words , they consoled me and said that they are coming to my house asap.

Within half an hour they came to my residence . After having lunch together , I took them to my room. They both comforted me , I cried my eyes out in front of them . Cherry and Taniya asked me to be strong emotionally and mentally . Cherry said " Don't be scared of Ruchi the devil and you can complain against her in the coaching centre ". I nodded to her advice and I said  "This is the last warning that I gave to Ruchi and  if again she harms Chirag or my family then she will land in jail for sure ". Taniya asked me " Will you tell Chirag that Ruchi was behind his accident ?". I looked at Taniya for a second and then I replied " Will I be able to face Chirag when he will get to know that my neighbour harmed him . He might hate me because he is facing troubles because of my rivalry with Ruchi the devil . I can bear anything but I won't be able to take Chirag's hatred ".

Then  taps of  my eyes leaked and I cried profusely. Cherry and Taniya hugged me  to stop me from crying . But as I cried more I was unable to breathe properly. I felt like someone choked air out of me . Cherry panicked and she called my mom . My mom came within a  few minutes and she called our family doctor . My mom was crying beside me while  I  was  struggling to breathe with  tears flowing from my eyes . It was worse to see my mom crying for me . Argh...I can't bear this attack as it  feels like I am alive and dead at the same time . As my condition was worsening the doctor advised my mom to take me to the hospital .

An ambulance was called and I was taken to my hospital . They had placed an oxygen mask on my face as I was not able to breath on my own . I don't know how many injections did the nurse inserted in my veins to treat me is just too painful now , the needles are killing me .As I was taken in a room , everything blacked out . Now I could only hear but my body was numb . I felt like I  was in some coma or something . Argh.....the doctors are discussing that my condition is bad, they talking about what all they can do to take me out of danger . This very moment I want to hug mom and Chirag . God ...I can't die like this , I want to live my life . Then a strong pain hit my head and all the machines around me beeped wildly then I could not hear anything , although my mind is still thinking . I guess I am dead .

********CHAPTER ENDS************

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