The freestyle way of showcasing talent!

Start from the beginning

The crowd look puzzled.

"Let's show them!" said Serena, smiling.

Serena's pokémon nod.

"Milotic, Hydro Pump! Braixen, Flamethrower!" said Serena.

"Braixen!" said Braixen while using Flamethrower.

Milotic nods and uses Hydro Pump.

Both moves collide.

They create a smokescreen on stage, covering the whole stage.

The crowd look puzzled.

They start applauding.

When suddenly they hear something.

"Milotic, Dragon Rush!" said Serena.

Milotic starts to fly over the audience with Serena and Pancham on its back.

The crowd is speechless.

A purple glow starts falling on top of the audience.

"Pancham, Dark Pulse!" said Serena.

"Pancham Pan!" said Pancham while using Dark Pulse to create a dark sky on top of the audience.

"Now it's with you guys on stage!" said Serena.

The crowd turned to the stage.

"Brai!" said Braixen, throwing Sylveon into the air.

"Brai, Braixen Xen Brai!" shouted Braixen.

"Syl!" said Sylveon while using Swift to create falling stars on top of the audience.

The crowd is speechless while looking to the sky, seeing the falling stars.

Everyone start applauding.

A spotlight is pointed to the stands.

The crowd looks to the spot on the spotlight.

It was Serena, sat on the stands, applauding.

Everyone looked amazed.

"Let's finish this!" said Serena, getting up.

"Milotic, Attract! Pancham, Dark Pulse!" said Serena.

"Pancham Pan!" said Pancham while using Dark Pulse on top of the stands, creating a gorgeous dark purple glow falling on the crowd.

Milotic uses Attract to create cute hearts falling on top of the audience.

Everyone is trying to catch a heart on their hand.

May and Drew catch one each.

This causes both May and Drew to blush.

"Dragon Rush!" said Serena.

Milotic smiles and uses Dragon Rush to fly over to Serena and grab her, bringing her back to the stage.

Serena is grouped with her pokémon again.

Serena and her pokémon bow to the audience.

The crowd started applauding happily, some with tears on their faces.

Serena looks to everyone's smiles and tears of joy, causing her to smile happily.

"I did it..." thought Serena.

"Ash... Thank you..." thought Serena, putting her hand over her heart.

Serena and her pokémon leave the stage.

Serena meets Miette on her way back to the lounge.

Miette smiles to Serena.

"You really got better for Ash..." said Miette.

Serena's Sun and MoonWhere stories live. Discover now