Battle, start!

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Next day comes and Miette gets up before Serena does.

"Serena!" shouted Miette.

"What?" asked Serena while cleaning her eyes.

"Get up! We're going to be late for registration!" said Miette.

"I'm coming!" said Serena.

"Come on!" said Miette.

Serena gets up.

"Come on, Serena!" said Miette while pulling Serena.

"Wait! I need to get dressed! I'm on my pajamas!" shouted Serena.

"Quick!" said Miette.

Serena starts to change clothes.

"Ready?" asked Miette.

"Yes!" said Serena.

"So let's go!" said Miette while running towards the door.

"Wait for me!" said Serena while chasing Miette.

They arrive at the registration booth.

"It's here!" said Miette.

"Why are you so hyped?" asked Serena.

"I thought you wasn't going to participate..." said Serena.

"I changed my mind! I am going to enter it!" said Miette.

"That's awesome!" said Serena.

Serena spots some familiar faces in a distance.

"Dawn! May! Iris! Sawyer!" said Serena.

"Serena!" said Dawn, May, Iris and Sawyer.

They went to talk to Serena and Miette.

"Have you already registered yourselves?" asked Miette.

"Yes!" said iris.

"So, we're the only ones who didn't register yet..." said Serena.

"We're going to wait for you guys on the stands, okay?" asked Sawyer.

"Okay!" said Serena.

"Reserve our seats, please!" said Miette.

"Leave that to us!" said May and Dawn.

"Thanks!" said Miette.

Dawn, May, Iris and Sawyer went to search for seats on the stands.

Serena and Miette stand in line to register in the tournament.

Serena and Miette eventually registered.

"Where are they?" asked Serena while looking for their friends.

"I can't spot them..." said Miette.

At this time, a familiar voice is heard by Miette.

"Serena! Miette!" said the familiar voice.

"There!" said Serena, pointing to their friends.

Serena and Miette eventually went to their friends.

"Hi!" said Serena.

"Here, take these seats you two!" said Dawn.

"Why is Iris and Sawyer over there? Instead of here in the middle of our seats?" asked Serena.

"Do your really want to be their third wheel?" asked an unimpressed Dawn.

"Oh... I'm fine right here..." said Serena while laughing nervously.

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