Serena's officially back!

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Misty walks up to Serena.

"Here... It's the Cascade Badge, proof that you won on the Cerulean City's gym..." said Misty.

"Thanks, Misty!" said Serena while taking the badge.

"I still don't know how I lost to your Milotic..." said Misty.

"Why?" asked Serena.

"You basically didn't say a word throughout the battle!" said Misty, quite angered.

"Oh sorry! I forgot to tell you, I can comunicate with Milotic via a connection in our hearts!" said Serena.

Misty looks puzzled.

"We can talk to each other without saying a word! That's why I said almost nothing throughout the battle!" said Serena.

"Wow... that's unique..." said Misty.

"Not going to lie... Milotic learning Dragon Rush caught me off guard too!" said Serena.

"It really should... I never saw a Milotic using Dragon Rush in my entire life!" said Misty.

Serena smiles.

"Well I think it was because she got mad from Gyarados biting her... So when I told her to use Dragon Pulse she put her strength and will to just hit Gyarados as powerful as possible..." said Serena.

"That could be true... But that still only shows how you two are connected and trust each other..." said Misty.

Misty remembers what she saw in Professor Oak's lab.

"Can you talk with Ash's Noivern and Ash's Hawlucha that way too?" asked Misty.

"No! Only with Milotic!" said Serena.

"Not even with Ash himself?" asked Misty.

Serena blushes.

"Of course not! Only with Milotic!" shouted Serena, blushing harder.

"You really do have strong connections on your heart... Maybe that's what Ash saw in you?" asked Misty.

Serena blushes.

"At the end of the day... You're his girlfriend, right?" asked Misty.

"Wrong!" shouted Serena, blushing harder.

Misty laughs.

"Anyways... Why did you challenge me in my gym?" asked Misty.

"Oh... That was because I had nowhere to restart my journey... So I decided to challenge you and see how much stronger I got!" shouted Serena.

"You really got stronger... Your Feebas even evolved into a Milotic..." said Misty.

Serena smiles.

"But what about now? What are you going to do?" asked Misty.

"I don't know to be honest..." said Serena.

"Your showcases are amazing... They really are a sight to see..." said Misty.

"Thanks! I want to perform soon, but I don't know where I can do that yet..." said Serena.

"I think we should do a showcase here, just for entertainment..." said Misty.

"Can we do it?" asked Serena.

"Yes!" said Misty.

"Where?" asked Serena.

"Right here! At the gym!" said Misty.

"You prepare your showcase while I invite the whole city to watch you perform!" said Misty.

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