Back to "normal"!

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Delia went to check what was going on Ash's room.

"Serena?" asked Delia.

"Were you talking alone in your room? And where is Feebas?" asked Delia, puzzled.

"It evolved... And is now a wild pokémon..." said Serena while cleaning her tears and smiling.

"Oh, don't worry darling... I'm sure it will remember you and come back one day..." said Delia.

"Are you hungry? Dinner's ready..." asked a worried Delia.

"I'm going... Give me just a few seconds..." said Serena while looking to the floor.

"Okay, take your time." said Delia while smiling.

Delia left the room.

"Oh Milotic, take care of yourself... Wherever you are..." thought Serena while leaving the room.

Delia and Serena are eating at the dinner table.

"So, Serena... I have to tell you something..." said Delia.

"Go ahead..." said Serena.

"I'm going to take a little break, I'm going to go to some other regions..." said Delia.

"Oh that's wonderful, have fun!" said a smiling Serena.

"How long will you take?" asked Serena.

"A week." answered Delia.

"Cool... Where are you going to?" asked Serena.

"Firstly I'm going to Johto then Unova..." said Delia.

"Hm-hmm..." said Serena.

"Then I'll go to Alola and lastly Kalos." said Delia.

"I have some really good suggestions of places to go in Hoenn and Kalos, if you'd like..." said Serena.

"Thanks... But I'm going there to deliver some things that Professor Oak asked me." said Delia.

"Oh, sorry." said Serena.

"The only little break that I'll have will be in Alola, Ash is going to have a speech and I can't miss that!" said Delia while smiling.

"Oh, Ash is having a speech? About what?" asked Serena while blushing lightly due to thinking about Ash.

"About his love for you!" said a smiling Delia.

"About what!?!?!?" asked a fully red Serena.

"Just kidding! About his experience and learning in Alola!" said a laughing Delia.

Serena sighed in relief.

"But I know you like the idea of him giving a speech about his love for you..." said Delia.

Serena just smiled while blushing hard.

"So, do you want me to tell him that you're here?" asked Delia.

Serena hesitated a bit but answered: "No! I don't want him to think that I'm inviting myself into his life!" 

"If that's what you want... I'm going to respect that..." answered Delia.

"But do you want some souvenir at the very least?" asked Delia.

"Oh... I would accept a little souvenir, nothing big please..." answered Serena.

"Okay! I think I know exactly what I'm going to get you!" said Delia while smiling.

"Thanks!" said Serena.

"I think it's time for us to sleep... I'm leaving very early tomorrow so don't expect to see me when you wake up!" said Delia.

"Okay! Have fun!" said Serena.

They finish eating.

Delia goes to sleep just after dinner.

Not long after, Serena goes to sleep.

Serena wakes up with the sun shining in her face.

"It's already morning!? I feel like I slept for like 5 minutes!" said Serena.

Serena gets up and leaves Ash's bedroom.

"Wow, Delia really left very early..." thought Serena.

"So, let's get back to work!" said Serena.

"Today, we're going to get back to our performances practice!" said Serena, looking out the window.

They practiced for three days non-stop.

"That's it for today everyone! You guys are really improving! I'm getting more and more impressed each day!" said Serena.

"Pancham!" "Sylveon!" "Braixen!" said everyone.

All four look determined and happy.

"I think it's time for us to get back into some competitions and showcases... Let's go on a little journey tomorrow!" exclaimed Serena to her pokémon.

"Pancham!" "Sylveon!" "Braixen!" exclaimed everyone.

"Let's go!" said Serena.

Braixen suddenly looks a little worried. Sylveon notices.

"Sylveon?" asked Sylveon.

"Braixen Brai... Braixen Brai Xen Brai..." said Braixen worried.

"Sylveon! Veon Syl!" said Sylveon while smiling.

"Braixen Brai..." Braixen said, smiling, but still worried.

The next day arrives and Serena is hyped.

"It's been quite a while since I last left this town... But I think I'm going to be fine!" said Serena.

"Where do I go?" asked Serena to herself while looking to her guide book.

"Here! It says here that Saffron city is hosting a big event with a big showcase included!" exclaimed Serena.

"But it's in a couple of days..." said a worried Serena.

"Don't give up until it's over... Don't give up until it's over... Don't give up until it's over..." Serena thought.

"So... We better get going right now or else we're not going to arrive in time!" said Serena.

Serena packs her things quickly and starts her little journey.

They arrive just in time.

"Let's sign up quickly!" Serena says to herself while running to the register booth.

"We made it!" Serena said while sighing.


"Serena!!" shouted a familiar voice in a distance.

Serena turned and was shocked...

"Serena! Long time no see... I see that you've changed a little bit, but you still look kind of the same of what you looked like when I last saw you!" said the familiar voice.

"Miette!!" said an embarassed Serena.

"So, travelling alone this time? Did Ash leave you?" said Miette while smirking.

"Miette!" shouted Serena while blushing.

"It was me that left Ash!" Serena said.

Miette looks puzzled.

"So you gave up on our competition?" asked Miette.

"Uh... not exactly..." said Serena while putting her hand over her heart.

"I wanted to become a better performer, so I started my own journey!" exclaimed Serena.

"So, you're alone because you want improve yourself for him?" said Miette while giggling.

"Miette!" said Serena.

"It's going to start! Our event is going to start with a blast!" shouted the caster.

Both girls went to see what was about to start.

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