Chapter 2

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*After School*

Hisui's P.o.V

I walked through the wood behind Kid, Patty, Liz, Tsubaki, BlackStar, Soul, and Maka.

"So, Hisui," Maka said, turning to me, "Do you know how soul resonance works?"

"Nope, but I'm sure I can figure it out on my own." I mumbled the last part and Maka didn't seem to hear it.

"Of course, it works better if you actually have a partner." Soul said quietly, I could tell he didn't want me to hear, so I pretended I didn't.

Maka explained the whole thing, which took a painfully long time, then we got to practice.

*At an unknown location*

??? P.o.V

"I can't believe Hisui just left without a word" A boy with ebony black hair said pacing back and forth in front of a bar.

"Actually, she left about nine words, plus her signature." A short pink haired girl said looking up from her book and directing her gaze at the boy.

"Shut it Hasegawa, I'm not in the mood." The boy replied, shooting daggers at the girl with his eyes.

"C'mon Taiki, you've gotta put faith in her I'm sure she'll be back." Another boy interrupted the conversation.

*Back at the forest, after training*

Kid's P.o.V

This girl truly is weird, she got the soul resonance down like it was nothing. And she doesn't transform like the rest of the weapons, it's like she summons the weapons out of her own blood instead of physically turning herself into one. She doesn't seem interested in making friends, no matter how many times Maka insists she's just shy. She fascinates me, I have no clue about her background, or where she's from. She isn't from Death City, I can tell you that much, especially considering she had no clue what a meister was until she saw BlackStar using Tsubaki. She's also extremely strong even though she said she's never had any training before.

Hisui's P.o.V

It seems like Kid is getting suspicious our where I came from, I was honestly hoping no one would notice that I wasn't from Death City, I was going to try to play it off as if I were from around. Nope. That doesn't seem like it's happening. Well, as long as no one I asks, I don't have to tell, right?

"Hey Hisui." I looked up and saw Kid looking at me with curiosity plain in his face. Crap. "Where are you from?"

It's almost like he can read my mind, seriously, right as I was thinking I wouldn't have to tell anyone, someone asks.

"North." I say, being as unspecific as possible. It seemed to satisfy him for now, but there was no doubt he'd try again later.

"Where are you staying while in Death City?" Tsubaki inquired.

"I rented a place."


Why the hell are they asking me so may questions, why do they care so much?

"Well, I think that is enough training for today, Hisui seems to have it down" Stein said, stepping in.

Thank you Stein, I thought walking out of the forest quickly.

I walked through the stone streets of Death City. I heard the sound of rolling wheels behind me. I kept walking, assuming it was only just someone who lived here. The sound got louder, then stopped.

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