Teddy's Confession

Start from the beginning

After a few minutes the kettle began to whistle as steam was exiting. Lily poured the hot water into their mugs, adding a tea bag and placed it on the table.
"Here." she said quietly, cutting a slab of Honeydukes' Best Chocolate Bar and giving the Teddy the bigger half and kept the other for herself.

"Albus told me that he feels guilty for bringing us here. If only he didn't steal it from Aunt Hermione's office," said Lily sheepishly. "Well I guess I never realized how hard it is for you to see your parents, well er —"

"Alive," said Teddy, finishing her sentence. "It just makes me feel more useless."

"Teddy, don't say that!" Lily scoffed.

"You don't understand Lils. What if, Dad hadn't go to Hogwarts with the Order? What if Mum stayed with Nana Dromeda instead of going to stay with Dad? What if? What if?"

"What do you mean I don't understand?" Lily asked, she was now looking more concerned. Teddy let out a muffled cry and said.

"Lily, my heart shatters, seeing them. Mum and Dad, alive and well. It's just, it's isn't fair!" Teddy said sobbing, slowly biting the
slab of chocolate and swallowing it.

It seemed to came Teddy down, and his composure was regaining slightly. "See? Now, eat you'll feel better." said Lily. Soon, Teddy was eating the chocolate with an appetite of a hungry lion and spoke in a low whisper.

"You know Lily, when I was a little boy, I used to hate myself. I felt that it was all my fault. We were all a happy family and then all of a sudden, Nana Dromeda lost her husband, her daughter and son-in-law, and instead of mourning for her family, she had a miserable life raising me. I felt guilty. I felt that I was the reason I didn't have any parents, and most of all, I felt that I was the reason I didn't have a happy and complete family."

No words were able to escape from Lily's mouth. He didn't know what to do to comfort her godbrother.

"And Harry," Teddy sighed. "How could I explain this? A seventeen-year old, with an orphaned infant, entrusted into his care by his late parents. The offspring of his late father's best friend, who also died protecting him. And he never wanted to raise me in the first place, he never wanted me to feel welcome into their family; it wasn't fair on him. Nothing was fair, nothing was!"

"Teddy," said Lily, who began to cry as well.

"When Harry and Ginny got married, I felt that it was the beginning of a great life together. I felt like I was going to have the life my parents would've gave me if they haven't died; and when James was born, I felt as though I was being stabbed by a thousand knives all over my whole body; I felt I was replaced, he was his son, and I was nothing more than a war orphan just being pitied by others. And up to this day, I still am, my suffering would probably end the day I die."

Lily then stood up from her chair and sat next to Teddy. "Teddy, I want you to listen to me very carefully," she told him. "You're not a war orphan; and we never pitied you, we loved you and have always had. You're a part of our family."

Teddy's head fell with despair as he gazed at his chocolate with an agonized face. And Lily continued.

"You and Dad were so similar and also different; you both had loving parents, who lost their lives to Voldemort, left as an orphan in a world where people didn't know if they were either to celebrate or mourn. But this is where your stories lead to a different path. You were raised by people who loved you unconditionally; raised in a home with laughter, understanding, friendship and above all, love. I know you grew up never knowing who your parents were, but they still loved you and you never failed to show that you were proud to have two brave heroes as your parents. A wise man once told my Dad that the ones that love us never really leave us and you could always find them...in here."

Lily reached her hand across and touched the area where Teddy's heart was in his chest.

"Let me guess who that wise man was, Dumbledore?" Teddy guesed.

"No, Sirius Black." said Lily; Teddy smiled at her.

"I love you Lils,"

"I love you too Teddy,"

The two embraced tightly, as Teddy's hair turned back to its familiar shade of blue.
Then, footsteps slowly descended from the stairs. "Oh, this early?" said Mrs. Weasley, who had just woken up. "Good morning dears!"

"Good morning Grandma!" said the two godsiblings.

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