Chapter 6 - Boundaries

Start from the beginning

"Isn't that just a fancy way of calling him a jackass?"

When Thomas saw Kristen was joking around, he felt slightly relieved that she wasn't taking it to offence. He understood that the siblings had a close bond, so Thomas just assumed that this was a normal sibling interaction between the pair of them.

"I really appreciate you looking out for my brother though," Kristen mentioned seriously. "He's certainly a handful."

Thomas agreed with Kristen as he nodded his head. "Honestly, I wouldn't put it past him to have paid someone to slash my tires back in Detroit."

After he found out the Detroit meeting was fake, Thomas was on a rampage after seeing Ethan was still in Ohio. By the time he tried to leave the parking lot, Thomas found out that his car was damaged.

He had to get his car taken away for repairs, and Thomas was stranded in a large city where he knew nobody. Thomas had to reluctantly speak to Erica again, and he played along with her flirting so that he could just get help back to Ohio.

Thomas stopped reliving the events of 2 days ago as he motioned to his watch. "I think I should go find Ethan before he somehow ends up on a Yacht and travel across the ocean."

Thomas paid for his meal as he also left a generous tip for the waitress. He waved goodbye to Kristen, as he then paid for the Shelton siblings' meal too.

"You don't have to do that," Kristen laughed. "I'm more than capable of paying for me and my brother."

"I know." Thomas stopped Kristen from taking her purse out as he insisted that he wanted to pay. "It's just me being thankful that there's at least one nice Shelton sibling."

Kristen didn't understand the psychological warfare Ethan was commencing towards Thomas. The little interaction she had with Thomas made her almost positive that he was the opposite of what Ethan keeps on describing.

"In that case, thank you Thomas." Kristen said.

"I'll see you in the office." Thomas answered back as he smiled at Kristen before leaving the cafe first.


Ethan and Thomas were in the office together as it was one of the rare times where Ethan wasn't continuously barraging Thomas with insults.

Thomas was watching Ethan sit behind his desk on the opposite side of the room. The younger man was signing some papers given to him by an attractive brunette woman.

Thomas overheard the pair of them giggling about something, as the younger woman then pushed her glasses back into position.

"I'll see you later then Betty."

There was a glimmer in Betty's eyes as she waved at Ethan. As she walked out of the room, she ducked her head when she saw Thomas looking between the pair of them. Her pace out of the room quickened because of the bodyguard in the room.

"I'm surprised you actually manage to get work done around here." Thomas casually said to Ethan without looking at him.

"I can't help it if I'm surrounded by beautiful women." Ethan answered back monotonously.

Thomas kept his face like stone as he didn't want his face to react to Ethan's promiscuous libido. "I didn't mean it like that..."

Thomas finally met Ethan's eyes, and the bodyguard saw the smug expression on the face that he easily grew to dislike. Ethan was too cocky and confident for his own good, and because he knew it, Ethan excelled at showing it off.

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