Sick of It (ARCase)

Start from the beginning

Lady Imogen neighed loudly.

Maybe both of them needed to blow off some steam.

Cooped up for far too long it seemed.

She glanced around the stable.

Ron slumbered on.

Miss Bella was nowhere to be found.

Perhaps she'd gone to look for that beau of hers in town?

Whatever the case, Josie saddled Jake's horse lickety-split.

And left the stables before Bella returned to talk her out if it.

Josie did scribble a little note, with a piece of coal on some wood she wrote,

Took Lady Imogen to stretch her hooves some.

All my chores are done.

Be back before the setting sun, Josie.

When the street was clear, Josie urged the horse to run.

She enjoyed the wind in her hair, the feel of the sun.

It felt like freedom, as close as a girl like her could get.

And Lady Imogen seemed to also enjoy it.

Both of them had been caged more than ever of late.

It felt amazing to break away.

She was still learning these parts.

So following the river was a good start.

It would also lead her back to BG.

On the way out of town,

She looked for that ship Liberty.

But the Liberty Bell was no longer docked in town.

Thoughts of Jhonny brought a frown.

At times he was almost civilized it seemed.

But other time, that boy made her want to scream!

The girls in her class giggled and called him handsome as can be, made flower chains and had pretend weddings, as his bride to be.

But Josie never joined in their silly games. That boy brought a tickle to her stomach, but he also drove her insane.

He was arrogant and boastful,

Made her blush.

But he also gave her heart quite the rush.

After their dance at the Christmas gala,

Gwen teased Josie about a crush.

As if Josephine was sweet on Johnny, please,

They were just friends,

Even if Gwen liked to tease.

Boys had it easy alright.

No one told them they couldn't be out at night.

They could come and go as they pleased.

Weren't expected to cook, clean, and raise the family

Weren't raised to be meek and obey.

Josie hated that things were this way.

Busted Gulch vol 14Where stories live. Discover now