The fight

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3rd person POV:

"Garu look there!" Tobe says in terror as He pointed somewhere. Garu looks to where tobe was pointing at. To Garus horror he sees that pucca is ganging up on a mother and her son looking like she was about to hurt either both of them or just the mother. Garu gasps in horror, he would NOT let THIS go down.

Without thinking Garu instantly jumps off the cloud, he hears tobe and master soo shout after him in shock but he doesn't listen and continued to aim for pucca at ridiculous speed (he's doing sort of a swan dive but without his hands in front of him)

Then in no time just as pucca was about to attack the two garu changed his position from a swan dive and kicked her very hard in the face sending her to the ground 'I'm sorry pucca but you led me no choice' he thought to himself. The woman cried in joy "thank you THANK YOU!" She cried as he carried her crying son and ran away as fast as she could.

He smiled as he saw the woman running away with the boy, when he turned around again his breath hitched as he sees that everyone he ever knew was surrounding him including pucca who had blood running down her head. Ring ring, Uncle dumpling, ho, linguini, abyo, Ching, and others. Of course police were fighting off other villagers from suga village, in fact a great bunch of them. Using smoke bombs and everything.

Then all of a sudden tobe rolled in from great speed and stands next to garu "master soo spotted his brother, he is going to be attending a different party then ours" garu looked at him in surprise, tobe grinned at garu "we're in this together my friend, I we got each other's back" garu nods and grinned back. In the back of the small crowd there tobe saw his ninjas also in zombie like states "oh no" he mumbled to himself.

Everyone then started to run towards them garu and tobe brased themselves.

(Just another reminder that I'm bad at writing fight scenes)

Pucca swung at tobe but he dodged it and knocked her off her feet by kicking her in the chest. When ring ring and abyo lunges at him he jumps over ring ring and wrapped his legs around abyos neck into a headlock and threw him over himself and into ring ring "we can't hurt them to much! They're still the same innocent people from back home!"

Tobe says to garu turning his back to the attackers, garu nods in agreement. Then all of a sudden one of tobes ninjas held o sword over his head about to stab tobe. Garu ghasped then out of nowhere shouted "TOBE WATCH OUT!"

Garu covered his mouth in shock on what just came out of his mouth. This shocked tobe and the villagers, including the ninja who was about to stab tobe but stumbled back. Tobe instantly kicked the ninja in the stomach knocking him into the rest of the ninjas knocking them unconscious "garu... did you just"

Everyone stopped when they feel the earth below them shake a tiny bit. Then out of nowhere master Mel and his wife were being flinged towards garu. Tobe panicked and quickly pushed himself and garu out of the way. Landing on the ground with tobe pinning garu protectively.

The two hit the ground with a loud bang that shook the earth. "MEL!" Master soo's voice beamed loudly. Garu and tobe looked over to master soo in shock "When will you realize the more you take the less you have?!" "FUCK YOU!!!" Master Mel screamed.

He then mumbled some magical words under his breath and they both left with a puff of black smoke. Along with their friends and people from the village, garu, tobe, and soo watched as they all vanish in a black puff of smoke.

The police were around trying to comfort the people around the town from the current events. Tobe and garu look at each other and the position they were in, their eyes widened and they blushed. Tobe got off garu and they look away from each other "time to break up the romantic nonsense. We HAVE to find where my brother went"

Tobe looks over to where master Mel went up and smoke and saw a black spell book with weird markings "what about that book?"

Another cliffhanger!
Aren't I just a little stinker XD

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