The book

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3rd person POV:

"Book???" Master soo questioned as he looked to where tobe pointed. He then ghasped in as he saw that there was in fact a black book with marks that could pull off as being alien writing. Master soo instantly ran over to it and swept it off the ground.

He dusted it off and says "good eye tobe" tobe and garu smile at each other then back towards master soo "I don't think I've mentioned this to you guys before, but this book holds the secrets to the whole universe... if my brother were to continue with his plan he won't only take over China, but the whole world"

Master soo instantly started to flip through the pages of unknown writing "and if he were to take over the world all of the people will turn into one of those zombie like creatures like your friends... mindless killing machines"

Garu silently gasped to himself, he looks over to his right to see a mother and a father both hugging a small little girl in comfort. Garu couldn't hear exactly what what they were saying but he could guess they were probably thanking the stars that they weren't hurt. Tobe puts a hand on Garu's shoulder. Garu looks over to him with a frown, tobe gave a comforting smile "we won't let that happen" he says in a soft tone. Garu smiles and nods "I know" he responded.

Hearing garu speak again startled tobe a bit but that didn't stop him from smiling " it says here that the spell can only be activated on the tallest building in the world"

Garu thinks for a brief moment before he answered "I know this one, the tallest building in the world is the Olympic Tower in Winnipeg Canada, that's probably where he's headed"

Master soo looks up at garu "the Olympic tower you say? THEN let's head off!" Then another huge cloud formed underneath them and they started to float up. This startled the two ninjas "and off we go!"

Sorry for not posting this in a while, I have other story's to work on and school is in the way, but I'll try to get back on track with this story

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