Whats wrong with them?

463 14 4

3rd person POV:

The three men have been flying west for what seemed like hours. They grew more and more worried by the hour, things were mostly silent.

"Boys we're almost to Tokyo, keep your eyes open for anything suspicious" master soo says. The two don't respond however, they just simply stay silent. Garu notices that tone was facing away from the direction they were headed. Garu walks over to him and kneeled beside him, and placed a hand on his shoulder. Tobe slowly looks at him "what's up garu?"

Garu brings out the note pad and wrote "what's troubling you?" After tobe finishes reading the sentence he crumbled the paper up and threw it away "it's NOTHING, leave it alone ok?" He said as he didn't face the ninja. The hand that was on tobe's shoulder moved to rub his back in a supportive way.

Tobe looks up to see garu giving him a supporting smile, that made tobe feel less upset. "*sigh* ok... believe it or not, I'm a bit scared for my ninjas... they haven't been on their own for so long before... and even when they were it was only for a couple hours... they're tough but I still worry for them..." garu places a hand on tobe's shoulder. Tobe looks over to garu and smiled "heh... thanks garu" garu then softly patted his shoulder.

"Gentlemen we're here! Start searching for them" master soo says loudly. Garu and tobe look at each other in shock then looks over the cloud to scan the area. All of a sudden tobe speaks up "Look there!" Garu and master soo look where he points. He sees their friends from sooga village... but they were all zombie like and they were terrorizing the people. Garu and tobe look at each other.

Cliff hanger!

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