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garu and tobe have been walking for hours on end, only stopping for potty breaks and snack times. they were pretty exhausted but they're friends and the townspeople were missing and they didn't want to stop. night was soon enough strolling bye and it was getting darker the minute. but you could see the sun setting over the trees.

"we should set up camp for the night" tobe says to garu, the cat meows in excitement. garu nods his head, garu brings out the pen and notepad 'also you could really use a bath, you smell awful' tobe placed a hand on his chest and gasped dramatically "how DARE you! i'll have you know that i smell of roses and chocolates" the two laugh, garu writes on the note pad again, almost running out of space and having to turn the page 'but seriously thought, we really need to clean up, i feel sweaty and grossed out' tobe nods in agreement. "wait, do you hear that?" tobe asked. garu listens closely.

in a near distance they could hear a water fall, they smile at eachother and start to run up the path. "oh i hope the water is cold and refreshing!" tobe says to garu in excitement, garu nodded happily.

soon enough they see a waterfall and a pond

soon enough they see a waterfall and a pond

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the water looked to pure and blue, and how the setting sun reflected off the water made them both feel so warm inside "wow... it's beautiful..." tobe says in amazement, garu nods. tobe looks over at garu and smiles warmly, looking away when garu looks at him. garu brings out his notepad and pen, he flipped the page and wrote 'lets set up camp before we go swimming' tobe nods "alright, lets get to it... luckily there's a good chunk of flat land to pitch our tents"

short time skip~

"that was easy enough" tobe sighted in relief, garu once again brings out his notepad and pen 'oh please, you had no idea how to set your tent up' "i just... wanted to know if YOU knew how to set up tents" tobe lies. garu rolled his eyes and tossed his note pad, pen, and bag inside his tent. the black cat crawls out and yawns "Oh YAH! i forgot you brought him, he was practically sleeping the whole time, well except for when we ate" garu nods, mio then walked out of the tent and ran towards the water to drink out of it "eye he's got a good idea, enough chitchat and let's head in!" garu nods and dug out his swim trunks out of his bag while tobe did the same with his bag

they stripped and slid their swim trunks on, of course not looking at each other to give them a bit of privacy. once they were in their swim trunks they took their hair elastics out of their hairs, tobes hair was obviously longer than garus but tobe couldn't help but stare. he looked so handsome with his hair down and his strong body, garu noticed tobe starring and looked in his direction. tobe quickly looked away, his cheeks rosy. garu just shrugged to himself and walked towards the water, tobe of course followed.

garu dips a toe in the water to feel the temperature "is it cold?" tobe asked, garu turned to him, smiled, and nodded. tobe smiled  weirdly and ran to the water. then before garu knew it tobe jumped in the water splashing garu and mio, mio hissed and ran to the tent. garu laughed and also jumped in, splashing tobe.

(short time skip) 

garu and tobe finished swimming, bye now the moon is out and the stars lit up the sky enough so they could just see each other. they wrapped themselves in robes (both black) and gathered some sticks and branches for firewood to heat up some food.


'you better help me eat up all this rice tobe, i cant finish it all by myself' garu wrote to tobe as he placed a bowl of rice on his lap "ill try, thank you" garu smiled and nods, he then went to his bag to grab a can of wet food for mio. he opened it making mio's ears perk up, garu placed the can right beside mio who was napping in the tent. he purred and started to eat.

garu got himself a bowl of rice and sat next to tobe." you know... your hair looks better down" garu starred at him for a moment before his cheeks became red, garu looks away in embarasment.

for the rest of the time they ate things were silent.

finally after they ate the rice they said their good nights and headed to their tents. mio followed garu inside and they fell asleep

frenemiesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя