master soo

507 10 2

3rd person pov:

tobe wakes up to taps on his cheek, tobe snorts and stirred awake, only to see mio on his chest and meowing for him to wake up "oh hey there kitty, did garu ask you to wake me?" tobe asked as he pets the black cat. mio purred and licked his hand, tobe hears movement outside his tent. it sounded like walking and stuff being put away.

mio hopped off tobes chest and walked outside, tobe stretched and gets up to go outside. 'garus already up? how come he didn't ask me for any help?' tobe thinks to himself. he crawled out of his tent, wincing when the sun that was just peeking over the trees blinded him. tobe rubbed his eyes and sees that garu had already packed everything up, including his own tent. he surprisingly still had his hair down "your already awake?" tobe questioned, garu turned to him and nods. he once again brought the notepad out and wrote

'im usually up before the sun rises, i like that morning smell and feeling you know? and getting to experience to see the sun rise as a new day comes alive. you know there's only gonna be one day in history. for an example there's only gonna be one December 23 2020 in history, i like to embrace every sunrise'

after tobe finished reading the huge paragraph he scratched his head "i... i never thought of it that way..." mio hopped in garus back pack "you dont have to hop in there yet little buddy, i still have to get dressed and pack up" mio shrugged and hopped back out. garu goes to help tobe pack his stuff but tobe stopped him "no no you dont have to help me, you already packed your stuff so let me deal with mine" garu shrugged and sits underneath a tree as he puts his hair back up in his usual style.

(time skip)

finally tobe was all packed up, he once again covered his mouth with his mask, only showing his eyes and scar that looked like an X. "lets get going... god knows whats happening to all of the people" garu nods in agreement then starts to move back to the track. tobe hurried to catch up to him. "we're almost there, we should hurry" garu nods.

they instantly start to run up the path, they both huffing. there were low branches sometimes and huge rocks.

finally after what seemed like hours of running they've finally made it, they arrive to what seemed to be a huge mansion home, with beautiful flowers and pure air. garu and tobe both stopped and bent over to place their hands on their knees and breath heavily. they gave themselves a couple minuets to catch their breathes "we... we finally made it" tobe huffed, garu stands up straight and wiped sweat off his four head. he then motioned for tobe to follow him, witch tobe does.

mio popped his little head out of the back pack with a tired look on his face, he was probably napping through most of the run. garu and tobe walk up to the huge door, after a few seconds they both knocked.


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