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3rd person pov:

"what was all that about?" tobe questions to garu, garu just shrugged. after a few moments of nothing happening garu started to climb down "wait for me!" garu rolled his eyes.

once to the bottom garu walks towards the town 'it sounds quiet... too quiet...' garu thinks to himself "mabey we should see if anyone's home?" tobe question, garu nods with a "Hm!" sound. "ok uhh, lets check around people's windows and see if we see anyone" garu nods again, they then ran separate ways.

Time skip~

for the next hour garu and tobe would search everywhere for any sigh of people, their hope dim as they don't find anyone. santa, ring ring, abyo, ching, nor pucca!


"t-there's nobody! it's like... everyone just got up and left in a instant" tobe says in a concerned tone 'mel has something to do with this' toned eyes widen "w-wait... MY NINJAS!!!" tobe yelled in a panicked tone. tobe then started to run towards his headquarters, garu cocked an eyebrow but soon followed after. quickly catching up to him.

they dodged trees, and jumped over rocks and ducked when needed "that mel guy better have not stolen my ninjas! because i promise you that there would be HELL to pay!" garu's eyes saddened at this.

all of a sudden when tobe wasn't paying attention he hits his head on a low hanging branch, knocking him off his feet. "OW!" he shouts as he fell on his back. garu gasps at this, and stopped in his track "stupid tree" tobe mumbles as he rubbed his four head with his hand. garu walks over to tobe and offered a hand. tobe looks at the hand in front of him, then the owner of it, his eyes widen, then, he for some reason felt a little bit of heat rise to his cheeks. he took it "thanks" he mumbled. garu offers him a soft smile. tobe smiles back at garu.

his eyes traveled to garu's cheek that had the same slashed scar from his causing, then the feeling from earlier came back but stronger, so strong that his eyes started to water 'w-what the hell?!' tobe thinks to himself. tobe then quickly lets go of garu's hand and continued to run towards the base "l-lets go!" he said to garu. garu cocked an eyebrow but shrugs and follows after.

not so long after that they arrived at the barn home, tobe and garu ran towards the entrance then kicked the door open. tobe's eyes widen as he sees nothing but an empty room, none of them in their hammock's. tobe felt weak to his knees, so weak that he fell on them, "n-no... my ninjas... it can't be... THAT FUCKER STOLE THEM!!!" tobe gets up and punched his fist into the wall so hard that he punched right through it. while tobe was cursing and punching the walls garu looks up at the building at the top of the tallest mountain in china where master soo lived. 'i got it, we can get master soo to help us stop mel... if there's anyone in china who knows about mel it's him!' garu walks over to tobe and gently placed a hand on his shoulder "w-what is it?" tobe asked in a angered tone, garu simply pointed to the building on the mountain.

tobe cocked an eyebrow for a moment but realized what garu was going at "YES! we'll get that soo guy to help us find this mel dude that stole everyone! cmon lets go!" tobe shouts as he runs towards the direction of the mountain, garu smiles and follows after.

frenemiesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon