8- Darcy

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Harry went through the last month of the pregnancy in a haze. He was utterly heartbroken. He hadn't heard a word from Louis since that night. Lottie tried to talk to him about it, telling him that Louis was a mess as well but Harry didn't want to hear about it. Louis had made his choice. He couldn't really blame him. A baby was a huge commitment. They were a two-for-one kind of deal and he didn't want someone in his life that didn't want Darcy. He had planned to be a single father so nothing had changed except the ache in his chest.

Lottie went into labor on a Thursday. Harry drove her to the hospital. She called her mum on the way to let her know.

They had talked about the delivery and Lottie had agreed to let Harry be in the room with her. It was his baby, of course, he should experience her birth. It took five hours and Harry was by Lottie's side the whole time, being a great support. Finally, Darcy saw the day of light and Harry burst out crying. The nurse lay her on Lottie's chest and she was crying as well. Harry watched her, trying to imagine how difficult this had to be for her. She had done an amazing thing for him, but at what cost?
"You can be her mum if you want to you know?" Harry said softly.

"I'm not. I'm not ready to be her mum. I don't feel like her mum. This is your baby. But I would like to be the cool aunt if that's okay?" Lottie answered and dried her tears. 

"Of course!" Harry said immediately.

Lottie gave Darcy a peck on the head and then she handed her over to Harry.
"Congratulations, Daddy."

Harry took Darcy in his arms and looked down at her in wonder.
"She's perfect. Thank you, Lottie! I love you."

He silently cried while he rocked the baby in his arms. He had never been happier. There was a soft knock on the door and Jay opened it.
"Can we come inside?"

"Sure!" Lottie answered.

Harry registered that Louis came inside the room as well but he was utterly consumed in taking in every little feature of Darcy so he didn't even look up.

Harry heard Louis asking Lottie how she was. He walked over to the window to get them some privacy. Lottie would always be a part of his life but Louis had chosen not to be. He could feel that dull ache in his chest and focused on Darcy instead. He was a dad now. He couldn't believe it. He had dreamt about this moment for so long. His heartache would pass someday. He just had to shower all his love over this baby. Darcy. His daughter. He felt tears pooling in his eyes again. He was a dad.

"Congratulations, Dad."

The sound of Louis' voice made him look up. He had been so focused on Darcy that he had almost forgotten that he wasn't alone in the room, but Louis was standing next to him.
Harry smiled at him through tears.
"Thanks, Lou."

Louis looked down at Darcy and smiled.
"She's beautiful. She has your curly hair. Good."

"Yeah, but she has blue eyes. Do you wanna hold her?" Harry asked.

"Uhm, sure." Louis answered and opened his arms.

Harry handed him the baby. Louis held her carefully and looked down at her. Harry watched him curiously. Different emotions washed over Louis' face. Harry couldn't interpret them all. Suddenly Louis started to cry. Harry took a step closer.
"What's wrong, Lou? Why are you crying?" Harry asked softly.

Louis looked up and met his eyes.
"I love you."

Harry's eyes widened in surprise.
"You do?"

"Yes. I'm utterly and completely in love with you and I'm so sorry. I did this all wrong. I've been a mess. I missed you so much and I don't even know what I was afraid of. Darcy's perfect and I think I love her already and I'm so sorry, Harry. I really love you." The words just came spilling out of Louis and he broke down crying for real.

Harry wrapped his arms around him, making sure he didn't crush Darcy in the process.
"Breathe, sweetie. I love you too."

"Yeah? Can I get a second chance?" Louis managed to get out between sobs.

Harry let go of him and caressed Louis' cheek with his thumb.
"Are you sure you're ready for the life I have to offer you?"

Louis looked down at a sleeping Darcy.

Harry's heart felt too big for his chest. Louis actually wanted this? He and Darcy as a package deal? He had never been happier in his whole life, except when he first held Darcy in his arms. He smiled and leaned in to kiss Louis.

"About time you got your shit together, big brother!" Lottie shouted from the bed. 

Louis started to laugh and woke up Darcy.
"Oh, I'm sorry, love." He said softly and started to rock her gently.

"She's probably hungry! I'm gonna ask for a bottle!" Harry said.

"Let me do that." Jay offered.

"Thanks... grandma." Harry winked.

Jay gasped and teared up immediately.
"I'm a grandma?"

Harry and Louis exchanged a look, both smiling.
"Yeah, I'll move in with Harry like... today if he'll have me. I know this is kind of sudden but it feels right." Louis said with a nervous glance at Harry.

Yeah, he could do that. He didn't see the point of waiting. Louis was the one for him and he wanted him to bond with Darcy from the beginning. They might be moving fast but their situation was different. He would do everything in his power to make sure their relationship would have a fair chance.
"I'll never let you go." Harry promised. He put weight on every word. Louis looked at him, seemingly emotional. It was a huge promise. A big commitment, but Louis didn't shy away from it this time.

"In that case, let me hold my granddaughter and you two can get her a bottle... daddies." Jay smiled and held out her arms.

"I'm a dad?" Louis asked in wonder and looked down at the baby.

"We both are." Harry smiled with teary eyes and kissed Louis' cheek.

"I'm a dad." Louis whispered and then he broke down crying again.

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