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Since Harry wanted to spend as much time with the baby as possible he found himself visiting the Tomlinson residence frequently. He hadn't heard from Louis since he helped him fix the nursery but that was probably a good thing. He shouldn't be dating anyone now, especially not Lottie's brother.

He had just told Lottie and her mum about an upcoming photoshoot when Louis showed up.
"Louis! I just told mum the exciting news! I'm gonna be in the next issue at work, modeling maternity clothes. Harry set it up for me. Isn't it exciting?" Lottie almost shouted.

"That's great!" Louis answered directed at his sister but Harry couldn't help but notice that Louis was looking at him instead.

"Yeah, hello? Pregnant sister is sitting over here."Lottie smirked and pointed at her stomach.

"Uhm, what? Oh, of course." Louis said and kissed his sister on the cheek. "Congratulations." He put his hand on her belly and rubbed it. "Hi, Darcy." He said softly.

Harry almost let out a very loud "Aaaaaw" and bit his lip. He had to stop thinking of Louis altogether. The best way to do that was to not be around him. He got up from his chair.
"I'm gonna go. Lottie, I'll call you tomorrow and we can go out on that lunch date, okay?"

"Sure, but aren't you staying for dinner, Harry?" Lottie questioned.

Harry walked up to her and leaned down to plant a kiss on her tummy. "Bye Darcy." He whispered. "Another time. See you tomorrow. Rest now, Lottie. I mean it. Bye, darling." He said when he stood up straight. He waved and walked out of the room.

He was just about to get in his car when Louis shouted his name behind him. He turned around to face him.

"Ehm, are you busy for the whole weekend, or do you wanna hang out someday?" Louis asked.

He should say no, he really should. He realized that Louis was waiting for him to answer and found himself agreeing. He internally cursed at himself."Okay. Tomorrow?"

"Yeah, cool. Do you just want to have a quiet one at home or do you wanna go out?" Louis asked.

"You decide." Harry answered.

"Ehm, can I take you out for dinner then?" Louis suggested.

"Sure. Six?" Harry agreed.

"Yeah, I'll come and pick you up. Okay?" Louis said.

"Alright. See you tomorrow then." Harry said and got inside his car. He waved before he started the engine and drove off.

He looked through the rearview mirror and saw that Louis was still standing in the driveway, watching him drive off. Harry couldn't believe he had just agreed to go out to dinner with him.

He got ready for the date and he couldn't help but feel excited. Louis picked him up and Harru got weak in the knees from just looking at him. Crap!

Louis took him to one of his favorite restaurants and Harry wondered if Lottie had something to do with it? Probably.

They had a great date. The food was amazing and Louis was at his best, joking and making conversation. Why did he have to be so damn perfect? It had been so easy if Harry had found out that Louis wasn't for him, thanked him for the date, and left that behind him so he could focus on the baby and his soon-to-be life as a single dad, but that was not the case.

Louis had all the qualities he had been looking for in a man. It was like someone had extracted all his thoughts and dreams for the perfect partner and then made Louis just for him. Harry knew how silly that sounded, and he also knew that they just met and he didn't really know Louis that well, but that didn't matter. Louis was the perfect fit for him. He almost wished that he had waited a little while longer to have a child but Darcy was on her way and he was so grateful and happy that he was going to be a dad and he wouldn't change that for the world.

It wasn't easy to know what Louis was thinking. He didn't mention the baby at all and why should he? This was their first date. It was an unusual situation but it wasn't as if Louis didn't know. Harry wasn't keeping him in the dark.

Another thing he had to consider was if he was ready to share the baby with someone? Especially someone he just met. It might sound very harsh or even selfish but Harry had been 100 percent set on being a single dad.

Trying to start a new relationship and tend to a baby at the same time was bound to fail. A lot of long-term couples broke up when they had a baby. How would they even have a shot at succeeding?

There was so much to think about but Harry couldn't do that now. It was too confusing, and Louis? Well, he was just wonderful. Harry would easily fall for him if he wasn't careful.

Louis didn't try to kiss him when he dropped him off at his house after their date ended. Harry was relieved and disappointed at the same time. This was definitely complicated, but Harry decided to give Louis a chance. A guy like him came along once in a lifetime.

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