Prologue-Lotties big announcement

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"I have something to tell you." Lottie announced at the dinner table.

Everyone looked at her and waited for her to continue.
"I'm gonna be a surrogate!" Lottie said with a grin.

It was dead silence around the table. You could hear a pin drop.
"For who?" Jay asked confused.

"This guy at work." Lottie answered.

"What guy?" Fizzie questioned.

"Harry, he's one of the photographers. Sweet guy. Super gay." Lottie answered.

"So what? You're gonna carry a baby for this old dude and his partner? How much are they paying you?" Louis snorted.

"Louis." Jay said with a warning tone to her voice and Louis rolled his eyes at her but he shut up.

"For your information big brother, Harry is single and he's two years younger than you. He just really wants to be a father. It's not about the money. I just wanna help him out. If you'd met him you'd understand." Lottie huffed.

Louis looked baffled but Jay smiled at her daughter, even if she looked concerned.
"That's a wonderful thing to do but are you sure about this Charlotte? Being pregnant is hard, but giving away your baby? I couldn't even imagine how hard that would be. Have you really thought this through?"

"It's not my baby mum, it's Harry's. I'm sure it will be emotional but it will be worth it. Harry's such a great guy and this is his lifelong dream. I really want to do this for him. He'll be an amazing dad." Lottie smiled.

"Life long? If he's two years younger than me he can't have thought about it that long. He's 26 for Christ's sake." Louis snorted.

"Why are you so against this?" Lottie questioned.

"It's weird! You're gonna have a baby with a fucking stranger!" Louis almost shouted.

"He's having a baby! I'm just carrying it for him. Trust me, if he could he would be the one who would be pregnant! He's my friend, not a stranger! Lottie shouted back.

They glared angrily at each other. Jay interfered.
"Okay, stop it you two. Lottie, I'm really proud of you. This is a really selfless thing to do and if you really want to do this I'll support you but can I meet the young man at least before you go through with this?"

"Of course! I can invite him over for dinner tomorrow!" Lottie answered.

"Great, we're all gonna hang out with the creep that's gonna impregnate my sister." Louis growled.

"It's not like I'm gonna have sex with him! We're going to a clinic. You love children, Louis and you're gay for fucks sake! Surely you above anyone can understand this." Lottie said and stared at her brother.

"Yeah? What if I want a baby one day?" Louis answered.

"Oh. Are you upset that I'm going to be someone else's surrogate? I'm sorry, Lou, but that doesn't mean I can't do it for you as well." Lottie answered softly.

"Or I could do it." Fizzie offered.

Louis got a little teary-eyed.
"You would do that for me? Both of you?"

His sisters nodded their heads with a smile and Louis burst out crying.
"I love you! Oh, God. I'm a mess!"

Charlotte and Felicite got up from their seats and came over to hug him.
"We love you too big brother." Fizzie said.

"What a beautiful moment!" Jay said and dried her eyes.

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