4-Puffy and wallpapers

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Harry had gone on a total shopping spree. He was supposed to just pick up the wallpaper for the nursery but then he saw a baby shop a few stores down the street and he couldn't resist taking a look. No harm in looking right? Two hours later he had bought everything he needed to complete the nursey. He might have gone a little overboard but who could blame him? He paid to get the things delivered. He was glad that he had a savings account. Having a baby was expensive!

Louis knocked on his door at eleven on Saturday morning.
"Hi, you're early." Harry greeted him when he opened the door.

"Really? I thought we could need an early start. I can come back later if you're busy." Louis said nervously.

"Don't be silly. Come in!" Harry smiled and opened the door wider to let Louis inside. He was nervous as well and started to blabber.

"So, grand tour. Kitchen, living room, as you can see the ground floor has an open construction plan. Ehm, dining room over there, a small office, and a toilet." He said, waving his hands in different directions as they walked through the house. He took a deep breath to try and calm his nerves.

"It's a great house, Harry." Louis said softly.

"Thanks. Can I get you something to drink?" Harry asked and turned around to face Louis who immediately snapped his eyes up.

"It's fine. Show me the nursery." He answered and smiled.

"Right. Upstairs. Follow me. I'm obviously putting a babygate on both ends of the stair." Harry continued to blabber as they walked to the second floor.

"That's good." Louis said.

"Yeah, uhm, bathroom, my bedroom." Harry said and Louis peeked inside.


"Thanks. There are two other bedrooms over here and this is where the nursery will be, next to my room." Harry finished off as they stepped inside the room.

"I like it. Four bedrooms? That's a big house for...ehm, I mean..."  Louis said and scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"A single guy? Well, I want at least three children and I don't want to move. This should be Darcy's home from the start so she can feel safe and doesn't have to move around, you know?" Harry replied.

Louis gave him a pensive stare.
"Three kids? By yourself? Don't you want a partner, someone to share your life with?"

"Of course I want that but he doesn't seem to exist. Believe me, I have dated a lot." Harry chuckled.

"Right." Louis said.

There was an awkward silence between them and Harry desperately tried to find something to say. 
"How about you, Louis? Do you want a family of your own someday?"

"Yes, I  want to have children and you know, the whole package one day but I haven't exactly been lucky in the love department yet so it'll have to wait. I don't know if I'm ready for that responsibility yet anyway. You know, I really admire you for having a child by yourself. I don't know if I could do that, but I get it and I respect it." Louis said softly.

"Oh. You just wished it hadn't been your sister who gave me the baby." Harry said.

Louis shrugged his shoulders.
"Can you blame me?"

"No. Hey Louis, Thank you for helping me out anyway. I really appreciate it." Harry said sincerely.

"Yeah...show me the wallpapers!" Louis smiled.

Harry clasped his hands together in excitement.
"It's adorable!"

He hurried over to the table he put up and grabbed a roll. He opened it up and showed it to Louis.
"It's very pink." Louis commented with glittery eyes.

"And the butterflies sparkle in the sun." Harry grinned.

"Why am I not surprised?" Louis smirked.
"Come on, we have to start with the groundwork. Can you get the spackle over there?" Harry said.

"Sure. Ehm, Harry? I actually have no fucking clue how to put up wallpapers." Louis confessed and bit his lower lip.

Harry cackled out loud.
"Why doesn't that surprise me? Don't worry. You'll get a hang of it soon. I had no idea what I was doing when I bought the house but it's not that hard. I'll show you."

They spent an hour putty the walls side by side, small talking while they worked. Harry had a hard time holding on to the putty knife from how much he was laughing. Louis was really sassy and funny. They went downstairs to make some lunch and Harry threw together a quick pasta salad. 

The conversation was flowing naturally between them and they just sat a while longer talking after they had finished eating before they went upstairs to continue working. They had a great time together. Harry was trying to catch his breath after another round of laughter. He looked around in the room.
"We're done!"

"Looks great!" Louis said but he was staring at Harry instead of the room.

"Ehm, yeah. Thanks for the help, Lou. Now I just have to put together the furniture and I'll have a nursery." Harry beamed.

"I can help you with that as well!" Louis hurried to offer.

"Really? Are you sure? Well, that's for tomorrow." Harry said.

"Of course." Louis smiled.

They just stood there looking at each other. Harry didn't want this day to end.
"So, eh, do you have somewhere to be or can I cook you dinner as a thank you for helping me out?"

"I don't have any plans. I would love to stay for dinner but I should probably go home and take a shower and change clothes first if that's okay?" Louis asked shyly.

"A shower sounds like a great idea actually. Come back later?" Harry asked, equally shy.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll make it quick. I live just around the corner." Louis said with a smile.

Harry walked him to the front door and watched him leave. What was he doing? He couldn't date Lottie's brother! He was about to have a baby. But maybe this was just a thank-you dinner after all? Maybe Louis wasn't interested in him at all? Maybe he just was a nice guy who helped out the guy his sister was carrying a baby for? This was complicated. Harry sighed and closed the door behind him before he headed for the bathroom to wash up. Date or not, he wanted to look good for Louis.

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